释义 |
wal·pol·ian I. adjective also wal·pol·ean \(ˈ)wȯl|pōlēən sometimes (ˈ)wäl|-\ Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Horace Walpole died 1797 English man of letters + English -an 1. : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of Horace Walpole or his writings < a Walpolian letter writer > 2. [Robert Walpole died 1745 English statesman + English -an] : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of Robert Walpole or his political policies < turned them into sound Walpolean Whigs — J.H.Plumb > II. noun (-s) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Horace Walpole died 1797 + English -an, n. suffix : an admirer or student of the writings of Horace Walpole < ardent Walpolians and collectors of private press issues — Saturday Review > |