释义 |
mus·kel·lunge noun or mus·kal·lunge \ˈməskəˌlənj\; or mas·ki·nonge \ˈmaskəˌnänj\; also mus·kal·longe \ˈməskəˌlänj\; or mas·ka·longe \ˈmas-\ (plural muskellunge or muskellunges or muskallunge or muskallunges or maskinonge or maskinonges) Etymology: of Algonquian origin; akin to Ojibwa & Cree maskinonge, mashkinonge muskellunge, probably literally, big fish : a large No. American pike (Esox masquinongy) which may exceed six feet in length with a weight of 60 to 80 pounds and is highly prized as a game fish, the typical form occurring in the Great Lakes and being brownish green spotted with black — see chautauqua muskellunge |