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cap·i·tal I. \ˈkapəd.əl, -p(ə)təl\ adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Latin capitalis, from capit-, caput head — more at head 1. obsolete : of or relating to the head < his capital bruise — John Milton > 2. a. archaic : deadly, fatal < an inexorable capital enemy > < a plague capital to many > b. : punishable by death : involving execution < a capital crime > < a capital verdict > < put to death a capital offender — John Milton > c. : involving or punishable by loss of legal personality d. : most serious : fatally detrimental : egregious < a capital error > < the capital folly of cutting herself off from her family — Arnold Bennett > 3. a. obsolete : standing at the beginning of a page, passage, or line < the illumination of the capital words in the manuscript > b. of a letter : comparatively large, clear, or elegant in form and in print like the majuscule letters of ancient inscriptions and consequently regarded as especially fit for use in initial position : of or conforming to the series A, B, C, etc. rather than a, b, c, etc. 4. a. archaic : having authority or preeminence : most important : chief < the capital lords of the realm > — used of a person b. : above comparable matters in importance, significance, worth, or influence : prominent, predominant, major, main < whatever is capital and essential in Christianity should be clearly and strenuously affirmed — Isaac Taylor > < the capital importance of criticism in the work of creation itself — T.S.Eliot > 5. of a city : most important; specifically : being the seat of government < London is the capital city of England > 6. [capital (II) ] a. : consisting of, serving as, or intended as capital b. : accruing to or from capital c. : carried on or conducted by means of capital d. : of or having to do with capital 7. : highly meritorious : most enjoyable : excellent, first-rate < a capital essay, still diverting after three quarters of a century — H.L.Mencken > < capital dinners they give at those crack hotels — George Meredith > Synonyms: see chief • - with a capital II. noun (-s) Etymology: French or Italian; French, from Italian capitale, from capitale, adjective, principal, from Latin capitalis 1. a. or capital goods or capital account : a stock of accumulated goods especially at a specified time and in contrast to income received during a specified period b. : the value of these accumulated goods c. or capital goods : accumulated goods devoted to the production of other goods : facilities or goods utilized as factors of production < capital is not money but means of production — Bertrand Russell > < the employer who could set capital and land and labor to work — G.B.Shaw > d. : any accumulated factors of production capable of being owned < working capital in the form of plow beasts, heavy plows, and slaves — F.M.Stenton > e. : the proprietary claim in a business f. : the principal of a loan as contrasted with interest g. : net assets : excess of assets over liabilities h. : capital stock i. : accumulated possessions calculated to bring in income < a thousand acres of haying land meant a capital as reliable as government bonds — Margaret Deland > j. : accumulated assets, resources, sources of strength, or advantages utilized to aid in accomplishing an end or furthering a pursuit < the accumulated scientific and mathematical capital on which our technology flourishes — W.F.Albright > k. : available money < walking into Hollisburg on a capital of twenty cents — Elmer Davis > l. : persons holding capital : investors, potential or actual < troubled international conditions have made capital reluctant to invest heavily — American Guide Series: Arkansas > m. : asset, gain, or profit through utilization of an adventitious characteristic or development < to make poetic capital out of the suffering of others — C.D.Lewis > < a keen and wary ruler who made capital of his weakness — Agnes Repplier > 2. [capital (I) ] a. : a capital letter; especially : an intial capital letter b. : a letter belonging to a style of alphabet modeled upon and departing in form relatively little from the style customarily used in inscriptions — see roman capital, rustic capital, square capitals; compare cursive, half uncial, minuscule, uncial 3. [capital (I) ] a. : the chief city of a country or region < Scranton … capital of the anthracite basin — American Guide Series: Pennsylvania > b. : a city serving as a seat for the government of a larger area or as a seat of a government branch (as of sovereign, legislature, or administration) < Washington is the capital of the U.S. > c. : a city preeminent or dominant in some special activity — used with a specifying attributive < had once been considered the world's diamond capital > < Paris reigned as the fashion capital of the world > < San Antonio, a veritable cattle capital — American Guide Series: Texas > III. noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English capitale, by folk etymology (influence of capital) (I) from Old North French capitel, from Late Latin capitellum small head, top of column, diminutive of Latin capit-, caput head — more at head 1. : the head or uppermost member of a column or pilaster crowning the shaft and taking the weight of the entablature — see column illustration 2. : the head or cap especially of a chimney or a crucible |