

单词 capture
释义 cap·ture
I. \ˈkapchə(r), -psh-\ noun
Etymology: Middle French, from Latin captura, from captus (past participle of capere to take, seize) + -ura -ure — more at heave
 a. : the act of catching and holding by force, show of strength, stratagem, or guile often despite attempt to resist or to escape
  < the capture of the town by the enemy >
  < the capture of an escaped convict >
  < snares, traps, gins, and pitfalls for the capture of men by women — G.B.Shaw >
 b. : the act of winning, seizing, gaining control, or coming to dominate
  < the capture of the party by extremists >
  < the capture of one's fancy by a piece of music >
2. : one that has been seized or taken; especially : a prize ship
3. : the natural diversion of one stream into the channel of another — called also stream piracy
4. : the act of moving so as to take one of an opponent's chessmen or one or more of his checkers
5. : the coalescence of an atomic nucleus with an elementary particle (as a neutron or electron) that may result in an emission (as of gamma rays) from the nucleus or in fission of the nucleus
II. verb
(captured ; captured ; capturing \-pchəriŋ -psh(ə)r-\ ; captures)
transitive verb
1. : to take, seize, or catch especially as captive or prize by force, surprise, stratagem, craft, or skill: as
 a. : to subdue into surrender and loss of independence
  < captured prisoners >
 b. : to seize and occupy
  < the king's forces captured the city >
 c. : to get control or secure domination of : take over
  < making plans to enter the highest finance and to capture the banking of the country — Hilaire Belloc >
 d. : to circumscribe, hold, or preserve in or as if in some pattern, medium, record, or other relatively permanent form
  < at any such moment as a photograph might capture — C.E.Montague >
 e. : to influence as though captive : captivate and hold the interest of
  < captured their imagination >
2. : to take (as a piece in chess or a trick in cards) according to rules of a game
3. of a stream : to divert (another stream) into its own channel usually by a process of erosion — compare behead 2
4. : to bring about the capture of (an elementary particle)
 < the uranium 238 nucleus may capture a slow-moving neutron to form uranium 239 >
— see capture I 5
intransitive verb
: to take an opponent's checker or chessman from the board
Synonyms: see catch
III. noun
: the act of recording in a permanent file
 < data capture >
IV. transitive verb
: to record in a permanent file (as in a computer)




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