释义 |
night I. \ˈnīt, usu -īd.+V\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English night, niht, from Old English niht, næht, neaht; akin to Middle Dutch nacht night, Old Saxon & Old High German naht, Old Norse nōtt, nātt, Gothic nahts night, Old Irish in-nocht tonight, Welsh nos night, Latin noct-, nox, Greek nykt-, nyx, Sanskrit nakt, nakti, Lithuanian naktis, Old Slavic noštĭ 1. : the part of the solar day when the sun is beneath the horizon; especially : the time from dusk to dawn when no light of the sun is visible < had an exhausting night alone in the woods > < extra pay for working at night > < dine, drink, dance, or gamble by night — T.H.Fielding > — compare day 2. a. : an evening or night taken as an occasion or point of time < saw the opera on the opening night > < saw the satellite on the third night > b. (1) : an evening set aside for a particular purpose < it was bingo night and everybody was at the movies — Theodora Keogh > (2) : an evening program < hold an amateur night > < plan a ladies' night for the men's next club meeting > c. : the evening following a particular day < Christmas night > < their wedding night > < election night > — compare eve 3. a. : darkness < under cover of night swooped in among the cumbersome ships of the line — Frank Yerby > b. : a condition or period felt to resemble the darkness of night; specifically : a period of dreary inactivity or affliction : mental or moral darkness < the glories of Roman civilization were lost in a gloomy night of ignorance, superstition, and barbarism — R.A.Hall b.1911 > c. : the beginning of darkness : nightfall < rainbow at night, sailors' delight > < waited until it was night > 4. a. : the period between sunset or the evening meal and bedtime < went bowling every night > < Thursday evening is their maid's night out > b. : the period between nightfall or 6 p.m. and midnight < the night of May 1 > c. : the period between bedtime and morning usually spent in bed < slept quietly all night > d. : a time for sexual intercourse e. : a period of gainful employment coming during or chiefly during the night < began his night at eleven and got off at seven > < paid the lecturer $500 a night > 5. archaic : tonight — used with the 6. : a night's rest < the patient had a good night > II. intransitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English nighten, from night, n. : to remain during the night : to spend the night III. adjective Etymology: night (I) 1. : of, relating to, or associated characteristically with the night < night poetry > < night air > 2. : intended for use at night < a night lamp > < the night bell > 3. : existing, occurring, or carried out during the night < the night view of the city > < night noises > < night baseball > 4. a. (1) : working at night < a night nurse > < the night clerk > (2) : of or relating to work done at night < posted the night hours > b. : operating at night < the night train > 5. : active or effective at night < a night fly > |