释义 |
wire I. \ˈwī(ə)r, -īə\ noun (-s) Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wīr; akin to Old Norse vīravirki wirework, filigree, Old High German wiara fine gold, Latin viēre to twist together, plait, Greek iris rainbow; basic meaning: bend, turn 1. a. : metal in the form of a usually very flexible thread or slender rod b. : a thread or rod of such material — compare cord 3b 2. : the strings of a musical instrument; broadly : stringed instrument 3. a. : wirework; especially : woven wire < screen wire > b. : the meshwork of parallel or woven wire on which the wet web of paper forms and is drained 4. : a wirelike thing (as a thin plant stem or a hair); specifically : bine, stolon 1a < hop wires > < strawberry wires > 5. usually wires plural a. : a system of wires used to operate the puppets in a puppet show b. : the network of hidden influences controlling the action of a person or organization < pull the wires for office > 6. a. : a line of wire for conducting electrical current — compare cord 3b b. (1) : a telegraph wire or cable (2) : a telegraph system < send a message by wire > < the wires of Europe were hot with telegrams — C.E.Black & E.C.Helmreich > (3) : telegram, cablegram < send a wire > < wire news > c. : a telephone wire or system < heard a familiar voice over the wire > < as soon as she could get that man off the wire — F.M.Ford > 7. : a metal snare (as for rabbits) 8. Scotland : knitting needle 9. slang : pickpocket; especially : the member of a pickpocket team who picks the victim's pocket 10. : fencing or a fence of barbed wire < a horse cut by wire > < behind the wire of a prison stockade > also : a barbed wire entanglement (as on a battlefield) 11. : wire rope 12. : a wire-haired dog 13. : a wire strung high between the winning posts between which the horses pass at the finish of a race < finished a dismal last at the wire — F.M.Blunk > broadly : the finish line of a race < as the campaign goes down to the wire — Elmo Roper & Louis Harris > 14. : a wire on which acrobats perform < wire act > < wire walker > — see high wire, slack wire, tightwire 15. a. : a long rod or strip of metal with a smooth or cutting edge used in the formation of looped or cut pile in carpet weaving b. : the fineness of carpets measured by the number of rows of tufts per inch 16. : metal thread or rod used in surgery to suture soft tissue or transfix fractured bone — compare tantalum gauze 17. : information surreptitiously or privately exchanged between gamblers (as by a signal) 18. : magnetic recording wire • - under the wire - under wire II. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English wiren, from wire (I) transitive verb 1. : to provide with wire : use wire on for any purpose : string, stiffen, or connect with wire < wire corks in bottles > < wire a skeleton > < wire beads > < wire a fence > < wire a hat > < wire a house for electricity > < wire electric lights together > 2. : to snare by means of a wire < wire a rabbit > 3. : to send or send word to by telegraph < wire me the news > 4. : to place (a croquet ball) behind the wire of an arch thus preventing a successful shot intransitive verb : to send a telegraphic message < wire home for money > III. transitive verb : to predispose, determine, or establish genetically or innately : hardwire herein < the controversy over the extent to which human violence is wired biologically > |