释义 |
withy I. \ˈwithē, -thē\ noun (-es) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wīthig; akin to Old English withthe withe, Old High German wīda willow, Old Norse vīthr willow, vith withy, Gothic kunawida chain, Latin vitis vine, vitex chaste tree, Greek oisos chaste tree, itea willow, in-, is tendon, sinew, muscle, Old Slavic viti to turn, wind, Latin viēre to twist together, plait — more at wire 1. : willow; especially : osier 1 2. a. : a flexible slender twig or branch (as of osier); especially : one used for binding b. : a loop or hoop formed with a withy II. \ˈwithē also -ithē or -īthē, dial ˈhwithē\ adjective (-er/-est) Etymology: withe (I) + -y : like a withy : flexible and tough; specifically : agile, wiry < as withy as a rattlesnake — W.R.Waterman > |