释义 |
chy·li·fac·tive \-tiv\ adjective or chy·li·fac·to·ry \-t(ə)rē, -ri\; or chy·lif·ic \(ˈ)kī|lifik\; or chy·lif·i·ca·to·ry \(ˈ) ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷fə̇kəˌtōrē, -ȯr-, ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|kād.ərē\ Etymology: chylifactive from chyl- + -factive; chylifactory from chyl- + -factory (from Latin factus — past participle of facere to do — + English -ory); chylific from New Latin chylificus, from chyl- + Latin -ficus -fic; chylificatory alteration (influenced by chylification) of chylifactory — more at do : producing or converting into chyle : having the power to form chyle |