

单词 cell
释义 Search result show the entry is found in: interstitial-cell-stimulating hormone , or kerr cell , or kupffer cell , or lasso cell , or lead-lead acid cell , or leclanché cell , or lens cell , or leydig cell , or lid cell , or littoral cell , or liver cell , or lymph cell , or lymphoid cell , or malpighian cell , or mareng cell , or mast cell , or mastoid cell , or megaspore mother cell , or merkel's cell , or mitral cell , or auditory cell , or mossy cell , or mother cell , or motor cell , or mucilage cell , or acid cell , or neck canal cell , or neck cell , or nerve cell , or nettle cell , or nettling cell , or auxiliary cell , or nurse cell , or olfactory cell , or palisade cell , or parietal cell , or passage cell , or bacteroidal cell , or pericardial cell , or pericentral cell , or photoconductive cell , or photoelectric cell , or photoemissive cell , or photovoltaic cell , or pigment cell , or pilot cell , or plasma cell , or band cell , or pole cell , or pollen mother cell , or porous cell , or prickle cell , or primary cell , or prothallial cell , or barrier cell , or basal cell , or basal-cell carcinoma , or purkinje cell , or pus cell , or pyramidal cell , or queen cell , or basket cell , or red blood cell , or red cell , or resin cell , or resting cell , or resting wandering cell , or reticular cell , or reticulum cell , or reversible cell , or rhagiocrine cell , or ring cell , or rod cell , or rouget cell , or round cell , or royal cell , or schwann cell , or sclerotic cell , or secondary cell , or selenium cell , or sense cell , or sensory cell , or septal cell , or sertoli cell , or sex cell , or sexual cell , or shield cell , or sickle cell , or sickle-cell anemia , or sickle-cell trait , or sieve cell , or beta cell , or betz cell , or somatic cell , or bichromate cell , or sperm cell , or spicular cell , or spider cell , or spindle cell , or spindle-cell sarcoma , or spine cell , or spore mother cell , or sprout cell , or squamous cell , or stab cell , or staff cell , or stalk cell , or standard cell , or stellate cell , or stem cell , or sternberg cell , or stigmatic cell , or stinging cell , or stone cell , or storage cell , or subcostal cell , or subsidiary cell , or sustentacular cell , or sympathicotropic cell , or tactile cell , or target cell , or taste cell , or thread cell , or tile cell , or tormogen cell , or bladder cell , or transfusion cell , or transitional cell , or adhesive cell , or tube cell , or türk cell , or türk's cell , or blood cell , or unit cell , or urate cell , or van tieghem cell , or vaulting cell , or vegetative cell , or ventral canal cell , or vorce cell , or waldeyer's plasma cell , or wandering cell , or water cell , or body cell , or wet cell , or white blood cell , or white cell , or wing cell , or bone cell , or worker cell , or yellow cell , or yolk cell , or zinc standard cell , or antigen-presenting cell , or b cell , or blast cell , or cell cycle , or cell line , or cell-mediated , or cell phone , or cutaneouos t-cell lymphoma , or cytolytic t cell , or cytotoxic t cell , or fuel cell , or hadley cell , or hairy cell leukemia , or hela cell , or helper t cell , or human t-cell leukemia virus , or human t-cell lymphotropic virus , or killer cell , or killer t cell , or LAK cell , or langerhans cell , or l cell , or lip cell , or lymphokine-activated killer cell , or memory cell , or natural killer cell , or NK cell , or oat cell , or programmed cell death , or single-cell protein , or small-cell lung cancer , or solar cell , or suppressor t cell , or t cell , or t4 cell , or t-helper cell , or adventitial cell , or bristle cell , or brood cell , or T-helper cell , or bulliform cell , or clark standard cell , or complete blood cell count , or human T-cell leukemia virus , or cadmium cell , or sternberg-reed cell , or canal cell , or castner cell , or cell- , or cell-blockade phenomenon , or cell body , or cell bridge , or cell count , or cell division , or cell house , or cell-lethal , or cell lineage , or cell membrane , or cell of claudius , or cell of corti , or cell of deiters , or cell of golgi , or cell of leydig , or cell of purkinje , or cell of schwann , or cell of sertoli , or cell plasm , or cell plate , or cell sap , or cell theory , or cell wall , or central cell , or chalice cell , or chief cell , or air cell , or clark cell , or cleavage cell , or closed-circuit cell , or collar cell , or collecting cell , or color cell , or companion cell , or complementary cell , or albuminous cell , or conjugation cell , or contractile cell , or counting cell , or cross cell , or absorption cell , or daniell cell , or death cell , or decidual cell , or deiters' cell , or alpha cell , or direct cell division , or discal cell , or amacrine cell , or drone cell , or dry cell , or dust cell , or edison cell , or egg cell , or electric cell , or electrolytic cell , or empty-cell process , or enamel cell , or end cell , or fat cell , or fixed cell , or flame cell , or foam cell , or free cell formation , or full-cell process , or accessory cell , or ganglion cell , or gas cell , or generative cell , or germ cell , or germinal cell , or giant cell , or giant pyramidal cell , or gitter cell , or glue cell , or goblet cell , or anther cell , or antheridial cell , or golgi cell , or granulosa cell , or gravity cell , or grit cell , or guard cell , or gustatory cell , or hair cell , or half-cell , or head cell , or hepatic cell , or apical cell , or hooker cell , or horn cell , or hygroscopic cell , or ichthyoid blood cell , or inner cell mass




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更新时间:2025/3/27 22:21:12