释义 |
nos·tal·gia \nəˈstalj(ē)ə, näˈ- sometimes nōˈ- or nȯˈ- or -täl-\ noun (-s) Etymology: New Latin (translation of German heimweh), from Greek nostos return home + New Latin -algia; akin to Old English genesan to survive, Old High German ginesan to survive, Gothic ganisan to get well, be saved, Sanskrit nasate he approaches, joins 1. a. archaic : a severe melancholia caused by protracted absence from home or native place b. : homesickness 2. : a wistful or excessively sentimental sometimes abnormal yearning for return to or return of some real or romanticized period or irrecoverable condition or setting in the past < nostalgia for his more impressionable youth > < felt a sudden pang of nostalgia for German music > • nos·tal·gic \nəˈstaljik, (ˈ)nä|s-, -jēk sometimes (ˈ)nȯ|s or (ˈ)nō|s- or -täl-\ adjective or noun • nos·tal·gi·cal·ly \-jə̇k(ə)lē, -jēk-, -li\ adverb |