单词 | charge |
释义 | charge I. transitive verb 1. a. archaic (1) < horses charged with heavy burdens > (2) < directing the servants … to charge the Saratoga trunk upon the dickey — R.L.Stevenson > b. (1) obsolete (2) < his spirit was charged with sorrow > (3) < charge a line by reinforcing with black > c. (1) < charge the magazine with three rounds > : load or fill to capacity or up to the required amount < charge a blast furnace with ore > (2) (3) (4) < granulated cork is charged into suitable molds and heat is applied — G.B.Cooke > (5) (6) (7) < charge abrasive grains in a metal disk for grinding > d. (1) < he charges three roses or > (2) < he charges his shield with three roses or > e. (1) < a brain charged with fancies > especially < charges the air with its cosmopolitan sense of freedom — Harry Levin > (2) < warehouses chargeing the air with odors of spice and coffee > 2. a. (1) < chairman specifically charged with leading the board — G.B.Hurff > (2) < I charge myself with him … I will take care of him — Charles Dickens > b. < Badoglio was charged by the king to form a new cabinet — Sir Winston Churchill > : urge earnestly < I charge thee be not thou more grieved than I am — Shakespeare > c. of a judge 3. a. < charged him as the instigator of the disorder > b. < reluctant to charge a dead man with an offense from which he could not clear himself — Edith Wharton > c. < he charged the fiasco to overconfidence > d. < charged that the … line would tend to become a monopoly — Current Biography > 4. a. < charge a lance > b. < charge an enemy position > < the car charged the bank and broke through the fence > 5. a. (1) < charge his estate with any debts incurred > (2) < charge debts to an estate > b. (1) < charge $10 for his services > (2) < charge a client for expenses > — often used with a double object < charge a student $50 for meals > c. (1) < charge a purchase to a customer > < charge a library book to a borrower > < charge a mistake against a person > (2) < charge your account with the goods ordered > < charge a person with a book borrowed from a library > < charge a fielder with an error > (3) < charge a sum against income for depreciation > < charge rent and phone bill to administration > intransitive verb 1. < the cavalry charged to the flank > < came charging through the door, wearing a baseball mitt on one hand — Jean Stafford > 2. < charge high for goods > : ask payment < he doesn't charge at all for it > 3. of a judge 4. of a dog Synonyms: see accuse, ascribe, burden, command, rush • - charge to capital - charge to revenue II. 1. a. obsolete b. c. d. (1) < a cartridge with a powder charge of 70 grains > < an artillery shell with an explosive bursting charge > < a charge of dynamite under the stump > (2) e. < the charge of chemicals in a fire extinguisher > < the charge of mixed fuel and air in the cylinder of a gas engine > < the charge of coal placed in a coal-gas retort > f. (1) (2) (3) g. (1) < poetry with an emotional charge, deeply felt and communicated to the reader > : impelling especially emotional force : drive < a man with a high emotional charge > (2) (3) slang < the children got a big charge out of the clown > h. 2. obsolete < this army of such mass and charge — Shakespeare > 3. a. < to maintain this readiness … is … a first charge upon our military effort — Sir Winston Churchill > b. < he assumed full charge of the business > : care, custody < remained under his uncle's charge during his minority > c. d. < nursemaids sunning their charges by the sea — D.G.Gerahty > < he entered the poorhouse, becoming a county charge > 4. a. < he gave them charge about the queen to guard and foster her forevermore — Alfred Tennyson > b. (1) (2) 5. a. < living at the charge of his brother > as (1) (2) < charges upon the estate > < smoking has become … a fixed charge on the expenditures of every family — Morris Fishbein > — often used in plural b. < a 10-cent admission charge > — often used in plural < reverse the charges for a telephone call > c. < a charge to expense account > : an entry in an account of what is due from one party to another < a charge to a customer's account > : something that is debited < the purchase was a charge > d. 6. a. < arrested on the charge of bribery > b. < the charge that earned incomes are based upon no principle of equity > 7. a. of a weapon < pikes held in charge > b. (1) < the lion's charge carried him past the antelope > specifically < a tank charge > — compare assault I 2 (2) < the bugle sounds the charge > c. • - in charge |
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