释义 |
ophio·glos·sa·ce·ae \ˌäfē(ˌ)ō(ˌ)gläˈsāsēˌē, ˌōf-\ noun plural Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from Ophioglossum, type genus + -aceae : a family of eusporangiate ferns (order Ophioglossales) that are more or less succulent and have a stem and usually a single frond with thin sheathing stipules and sporophylls forming a spike or panicle, the sporangia opening by transverse slits — see ophioglossum • ophio·glos·sa·ceous \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷(|) ̷ ̷|sāshəs\ adjective |