

单词 pace
释义 pace
I. pace \ˈpās\ noun
Etymology: Middle English pas, from Old French, from Latin passus step, pace, from passus, past participle of pandere to spread, unfold — more at fathom
 a. : rate of locomotion : rapidity with which distance is traversed
  < led off at a good pace so that they could cover as much ground as possible — Fred Majdalany >
  < the limousine moved at an easy pace — John Hersey >
  < the river broadens, slackening its pace as it spreads out — Ted Sumner >
 especially : an established rate of locomotion
  < the challenger made the pace hot from the start — G.E.Odd >
 b. : rate of progress : rapidity of development
  < the pace of developments in science, agriculture, business, politics, international relations … is so swift — Lister Hill >
 specifically : a parallel rate of growth or development
  < as the demand for livestock … grew, the development of shipping facilities kept paceAmerican Guide Series: Minnesota >
  (1) : a rash or headlong course
   < youth, sped by the ancient dream that seemed so new, … went the pace with a high heart — C.E.Montague >
  (2) : an example to be emulated
   < one learns to go to church … because other members of the community set the pace for this kind of activity — Edward Sapir >
  specifically : first place in a competition
   < three strokes off the paceTime >
  (1) : rate of performance or delivery : timing, tempo
   < see the story unwind … with an amiable pace and plenty of time — Stark Young >
   < housewives, their routine quickened by the pace of wartime living — Monsanto Magazine >
   < the ease and pace of his turns and the precision of his beats place him in the line of the great Russian dancers — Caryl Brahms >
  specifically : speed
   < his stories move at a breathless pace — Henry Treece >
   < the pace at which an audience can absorb ideas differs with the ideas — Henning Nelms >
   < the pitcher … whips the ball, varying pace, swerve and flight — Dict. of Games >
  (2) : rhythmic animation : fluency
   < writes with color, with zest, and with pace — Amy Loveman >
  (1) : the speed of a bowled ball or of bowling
   < the bowler frequently changed pace >
  (2) : the degree to which a cricket wicket affects the speed of a ball rebounding from it
   < difference in pace of matting and turf wickets >
 f. : a device in a loom to maintain even tension in pacing the take-up on the woven fabric
 g. : routine
  < the circus is change of pace — beauty against our daily ugliness — John Steinbeck >
 a. : a manner of walking : tread
  < walked slowly, with even, unhesitating pace — Willa Cather >
 b. obsolete : a route of travel : course
  < we will direct our pace downward now — James Howell >
 a. : a movement of the foot over a space to a new position in walking, running, or dancing : step
  < took a pace or two in the room — Guy McCrone >
  (1) : the space traversed by one step — used as an indefinite unit of measure
   < cannot go five paces without seeing some wretched object — Irish Digest >
  (2) : any of various units of distance based on the length of a human step at a specified time (as for quick time 30 inches and for double time 36 inches) — see roman pace
  (1) : a broad step or platform : a flat portion in a run of stairs
  (2) : a raised part of a floor (as around an altar)
 b. obsolete : a narrow passageway : defile
  < making paces through woods and thickets — Meredith Hanmer >
 c. : a passageway running the length of a church between seats
 a. : an exhibition of skills or capacities
  < bird dogs going through their paces in the most alien environment — J.W.Cross >
  < the test pilots … put the new planes through their paces — H.H.Arnold & I.C.Eaker >
 specifically : the various gaits of a horse (as the walk, trot, canter, gallop, and amble)
 b. : a fast 2-beat gait of the horse and some other quadrupeds in which the legs move in lateral bipeds and support the animal alternately on the right and left pair of legs — compare trot
II. pace verb
intransitive verb
 a. : to go with slow or measured tread : walk
  < a stone platform where meditative persons might pace to and fro — W.B.Yeats >
 b. : to move along : proceed
  < they pace through the obligations of their marriage with … cynicism — Times Literary Supplement >
2. : to move with a lateral gait — usually used of a horse or dog
 < pacing … is characterized by its pistonlike drive with parallel sets of legs traveling together — F.A.Wrensch >
transitive verb
 a. : to measure by pacing — often used with off
  < pace off a 10-yard penalty >
  < had often wondered how far west his land extended, but had never taken the time to pace it off — O.E.Rölvaag >
 b. : to cover at a walk
  < was slowly pacing this narrow enclosure, in his accustomed walk — Sheridan Le Fanu >
2. archaic : to execute by pacing
 < paces a hornpipe among the eggs — Sir Walter Scott >
 a. obsolete : to train (a horse) to pace
 b. of a horse : to cover (a course) by pacing
  < paced the mile track in 1:55 flat — American Guide Series: Minnesota >
 a. : to set or regulate the pace of
  < traffic, paced by clanging cable cars, climbs up and down at cautious speeds — G.W.Long >
  < advertising must be paced so that ads increase in size and frequency as Christmas gets closer — National Furniture Review >
  < must pace himself, know what his physique will stand — Blair Moody >
 specifically : to run in advance of (a teammate) as a pacemaker in racing
 b. : to let out or take up at regular intervals in weaving
  < pace the warp >
  < pace the web >
  (1) : to go before : precede
   < next in line, paced by the scoutmaster >
   < paced by tanks … infantrymen were storming a narrow gorge — Time >
  specifically : to draw away from (other competitors) in a race
  (2) : to set an example for : excel in accomplishment : lead
   < food prices were pacing the upsurge — Newsweek >
   < oil advertisers paced all other classifications in space gains — Wall Street Journal >
  specifically : to be high scorer of
   < paced the team with three hits in the sixth game — Robert Shaplen >
 d. : to match the progress of : keep pace with
  < schools of porpoises pace the plodding ship — Tom Marvel >
  < the speed of the machine may be closely regulated to pace the packing operation — Modern Packaging >
  < his own growth … paced that of his science — D.W.Atchley >
5. : to establish the tempo of : control the rhythm and flow of
 < the dynamic director paced the show like a fast 440-yard relay — Henry Hewes >
 < paced the music with … sure and tasteful touch — Winthrop Sargeant >
III. pace noun
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: Middle English (northern dialect) pase, paas, from Middle French pasche, from Old French — more at pasch
dialect chiefly England : easter
IV. pa·ce \ˈpāsē\ preposition
Etymology: Latin, abl. of pac-, pax peace — more at peace
: with all due respect or courtesy to
 < I do not, pace … the correspondents, claim to have made any “discovery” — E.M.Almedingen >
 < pace the feminists, I believe my own sex is largely responsible for this … impertinent curiosity — Katharine F. Gerould >




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