

单词 columbine
释义 col·um·bine
I. \ˈkäləmˌbīn, -_bə̇n\ noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin columbina, from feminine of Latin columbinus dovelike, from columba dove + -inus -ine; from the fancied resemblance of the inverted bloom to a group of five doves; akin to Greek kolymbos, a bird (probably a grebe), Old High German holuntar elder tree, Old Swedish hylle elder, Greek kelainos black, Sanskrit kalanka spot, nest; basic meaning: spot
1. : a plant of the genus Aquilegia: as
 a. : a red-flowered plant (A. canadensis) of eastern No. America
 b. : a blue-flowered plant (A. coerulea) of the Rocky mountains
2. or columbine blue : a moderate purplish blue to violet
[columbine a]
II. adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French colombin, from Latin columbinus
: of, relating to, or similar to a dove
 < a columbine form >
 < columbine innocence >
III. \“, -ˌbēn\ noun
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: Italian Colombina, diminutive of colomba dove, from Latin columba
: the pert and adroit young girl in English harlequinade and in the later commedia dell' arte, in the English harlequinade usually being Pantaloon's daughter or ward in love with Harlequin




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