释义 |
com·pen·sa·tion \ˌkämpənˈsāshən, -ˌpen-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English compensacioun, from Latin compensation-, compensatio balancing of accounts, from compensatus (past participle of compensare to compensate) + -ion-, -io -ion 1. : the act or action of making up, making good, or counterbalancing : rendering equal : amending: as a. (1) : the counterbalancing of a defect in bodily structure or limitation in function of an organ by overgrowth of another or by increased function of unimpaired parts of the same organ < cardiac compensation > — compare decompensation (2) : a psychic mechanism or process whereby an individual compensates for a frustrated drive, inadequacy, or imperfection by substituting or stressing another drive, trait, or function b. : adjustment of the phase retardation of one light ray with respect to that of another c. civil law : extinction of the mutual debts of two persons that are reciprocally debtors and creditors (as in setoff) d. phonetics : compensatory lengthening or compensatory doubling 2. : something that constitutes an equivalent or recompense: as a. : something that makes good a lack < rewards which are no compensations for the abandoned gratifications — Abram Kardiner > b. : something that makes up for a loss < compensation will be made by Germany for all damage done to the civilian population of the Allies … by the aggression of Germany — J.M.Keynes > specifically : payment received by a worker or his dependents for claims under a workmen's compensation act or cash benefits received by eligible unemployed as provided for by legislation c. : something that relieves, equalizes, or neutralizes (as pressure, stress, or stimuli) : means of alleviation < nor did he use letter writing as a compensation for inner tensions — Yale Review > < for the men who are really up there, the war is a tough and dirty life, without immediate compensation — Walter Bernstein > < jazz began as the compensation music of a shackled race — Esquire's Jazz Book > d. : payment for value received or service rendered : remuneration < the compensation of United States government employees > < compensation to the Indians for the land ceded by them consisted of livestock — D.E.Clark > e. : moral or spiritual reward or feeling or sense thereof < however shoddy his life an artist knows the compensations of creation and achievement > < there are so many compensations that come from coaching small-time football — Bert LaBrucherie > f. physics : balance or counteraction of opposed forces |