

单词 complacent
释义 com·pla·cent
\-ənt\ adjective
Etymology: Latin complacent-, complacens very pleasing, present participle of complacēre to please greatly, from com- + placēre to please — more at please
 a. : marked by sometimes unwarranted, uncritical, and irritating satisfaction and pleasure at one's own personality, accomplishments, or situation
  < complacent when they should have been self-critical — Allan Nevins & H.S.Commager >
  < the complacent ones, to those who love themselves much but not too wisely — M.R.Cohen >
 b. : marked by or as if by unruffled or blasé satisfaction about the security of one's position or by careless acceptance of events around one : disinclined to act, to change, or to guard
  < the complacent case of obesity — Arnold Bennett >
  < in that complacent old world … youth did not easily feel the impact of national problems — John Buchan >
 a. : feeling or showing complaisance or desire to please
  < the University of Colorado courteously released me from my contract, but the Garrett Biblical Institute was less complacent — R.M.Lovett >
 b. : marked by smooth even contented ease without notable activity, tension, or stress
  < townfolk made a complacent living by trading with countryfolk — American Guide Series: Texas >
3. of a tree or a forest : marked by evenness and regularity in the growth of annual rings regardless of different conditions in different years — opposed to sensitive
 self-complacent, self-satisfied, smug, priggish: complacent may imply a feeling of assured well-being and absence of worry or complaint
  < the people who suffer most from their conscience are obviously the sensitive and high-minded, while self-approbation comes most easily to the complacent and fortune-favored Jack Horners — M.R.Cohen >
  It may suggest a gloating superiority or a blameworthy lassitude and lack of drive
  < his insufferable smile was more complacent than ever — A. Conan Doyle >
  < the chief occasion on which he aspired to rise above the level of complacent mediocrity — H.E.Nettles >
  self-complacent and self-satisfied stress satisfaction at one's own personality or situation and may suggest ill-based pride, self-deception, depreciation of others, indolent or blind inactivity
  < the strong, self-complacent Luther declares … that “God himself cannot do without wise men” — R.W.Emerson >
  < those flaunting childish family portraits, with their farce of sentiment and smiling lies, and innocence so self-conscious and self-satisfied — W.M.Thackeray >
  < Stroeve, eager for praise and naively self-satisfied, could never resist displaying his work — W.S.Maugham >
  smug indicates accustomed feelings about oneself of superiority, rectitude, or utter security
  < our smug conviction that somehow we are more virtuous than the rest of the world, and that everyone should realize it — Richard Watts >
  < a smug and arrogant look about him, as is often the case with men who have unexpectedly acquired great power or great wealth — Kenneth Roberts >
  smug often suggests narrow provincialism. priggish may suggest finical adherence to one's ideas or notions, perhaps ill-based, and an odious self-righteousness
  < there is something artificial and even priggish about Goethe's healthiness, as there is about Baudelaire's unhealthiness — T.S.Eliot >
  < that unpromising young man with high collar and pince-nez whose somewhat priggish air of superiority infuriated most of the Democrats — A.M.Schlesinger b.1917 >




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