单词 | confirm |
释义 | con·firm 1. < America would once again as a nation confound its critics and … confirm its friends — Barbara Ward > 2. a. < the Senate confirms a treaty > often < the Senate confirmed his appointment to the Supreme Court > b. < an order confirmed by a stockbroker > 3. 4. < confirm a rumor > < confirm a hypothesis or diagnosis > < confirm a plane reservation > 5. < the experience confirmed him in his dislike of foreign cooking > 6. 7. Scots law Synonyms: < they are asked to confirm or correct facts — Evelyn Lohr > < there is a rumor — which cannot of course be confirmed — Frank Gorrell > < confirm the persistent suspicion that eggs are carriers of fowl typhoid — Collier's Year Book > corroborate suggests the buttressing or strengthening by authority or fact of something already pretty well established < in general, the material illustrates and corroborates what has already become known from other sources — G.F.Kennan > < no matter how many corroborating tests we may adduce as proof … the skeptic still is not convinced — Arthur Pap > < these were the earliest professional sodalities in Spain, though corroborating documentation is lacking — G.M.Foster > substantiate implies the presenting of evidence adequate to demonstrate or make certain < individual differences within one race and culture are well substantiated … by psychological and practical tests — A.L.Kroeber > < reference material to support, substantiate, or enlarge upon the text — Frank Mortimer > < no proof had to be brought forward to substantiate the claims they made — Sherwood Anderson > verify implies the seeking of a close correspondence between a statement and the facts it involves or an attestation to the correctness of its logic, or, as applied to suspicions or predictions, the actualization in fact of the thing suspected < he has explored most of Trans-Jordan, verified Biblical accounts by his findings and excavations — Current Biography > < discouraging predictions that have not been verified by events — Times Literary Supplement > authenticate and validate presuppose a question about genuineness or validity. authenticate signifies to establish genuineness by or as if by expert opinion or official or legal document < the painting was finally authenticated by experts in Barcelona and Madrid — Time > < each citizen ought to be authenticated as the son of his proper father — H.M.Parshley > < an authenticated copy of the Declaration — Dumas Malone > validate generally involves establishing of validity, as of a document by reference to legal or official act or record or as of an opinion or policy by justifying facts or events < what directors do … by law must be validated by formal board action — G.B.Hurff > < the sort of evidence by which one validates a scientific hypothesis — Life > < the expansion of demand which alone can validate the policy — J.A.Hobson > < the two performances more than validated the words of praise — Irving Kolodin > |
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