释义 |
con·tro·ver·sy \ˈkän.trəˌvərsē, -və̄s-, -vəis-, -si, Brit also kən.ˈträvə(r)si\ noun (-es) Etymology: Middle English controversie, from Latin controversia, from contro- (akin to Latin contra-) + -versia (from versus, past participle of vertere to turn) — more at worth 1. a. : the act of disputing or contending b. (1) : a cause, occasion, or instance of disagreement or contention : a difference marked especially by the expression of opposing views : discussion, dispute, debate < engaged in a long controversy with university officials and had denounced evolutionary teachings — American Guide Series: Minnesota > (2) : quarrel, strife 2. : a suit in law or equity — distinguished from case as not including criminal actions or proceedings < the judicial power shall extend … to controversies to which the United States shall be a party; to controversies between two or more States — U.S. Constitution > • - in controversy |