

单词 cork
释义 cork
I. \ˈkȯ(ə)rk, ˈkȯ(ə)k\ noun
Etymology: Middle English corke cork (bark), cork sandal, probably from Arabic qurq, from Latin cortic-, cortex bark, cork — more at cuirass
 a. : the outer tissues of the stem of the cork oak that in young stems consists of epidermis, cortical tissue, and periderm and in older stems of secondary phloem and periderm, that attains great thickness and that is used commercially for cork stoppers and insulation — see virgin cork
 b. : phellem
2. : a piece of cork : something made from a piece of cork: as
 a. : a usually tapering or cylindrical stopper cut out of cork for a bottle, jug, or other container; also : a similar stopper of other material
  < a rubber cork >
 b. : a float for a fishing line
3. Scotland : a small employer : overseer
4. : a light brown that is yellower and darker than blush, yellower and deeper than alesan, and yellower and slightly lighter than French beige
5. : a disease of apples and related plants (as pear and quinces) caused by boron deficiency and characterized by internal brown, dry, spongy or corky, bitter-tasting flecks in the fruits — called also corky core
II. verb
transitive verb
1. : to furnish or fit with cork
 < fishermen cork their nets >
2. : to stop up with a cork
 < cork the bottle >
: seal (the contents) in a container by means of a cork
 < cork the wine securely >
3. : to close up or seal off (as a passage)
 < for Charleston's corked with a Northern fleet — S.V.Benét >
: seal against escape : press down
 < keeping his emotions corked up inside him >
4. : to blacken (as one's face) with burnt cork
 < minstrels with corked faces >
5. : to develop corky tissue over (wounds or cuts) — used of a plant or tuber
intransitive verb
of a plant or tuber : to develop corky tissue over wounds or cuts
III. verb
Etymology: by folk etymology
: calk, caulk
IV. noun
Etymology: by folk etymology
: calk
V. adjective
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: from Cork, county in Ireland
1. : of or from the city of Cork, Ireland : of the kind or style prevalent in Cork
2. : of or from County Cork, Ireland : of the kind or style prevalent in County Cork




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