

单词 corona
释义 co·ro·na
I. \kəˈrōnə\ noun
Etymology: Latin, garland, crown, cornice — more at crown
1. : the projecting part of a classic cornice the underside of which is often cut with a drip
2. : something suggesting a crown: as
  (1) : a usually colored circle often seen around and close to a luminous body (as the sun or moon) caused by diffraction produced by suspended droplets or occasionally particles of dust — see halo 1
  (2) : the tenous outermost part of the atmosphere of the sun extending for millions of miles from its surface, containing very highly ionized atoms of iron, nickel, and other gases that indicate a temperature of millions of degrees, and appearing to the naked eye as a pearly gray halo around the moon's black disk during a total eclipse of the sun but observable at other times with a coronagraph; also : a similar portion of the atmosphere of a star
  (3) : a circle of light made by the apparent convergence of the streamers of the aurora borealis about a spot in the heavens toward which the dipping needle points
 b. [New Latin, from Latin] : the upper portion of a body part (as of a tooth or of the skull)
 c. [New Latin, from Latin] : crown 12a
 d. [Medieval Latin, from Latin] : a crown or circlet suspended from the roof or vaulting of churches to hold tapers lighted on solemn occasions
 e. [New Latin, from Latin] : an appendage or series of united appendages borne on the inner side of the corolla in certain flowers (as in the daffodil, jonquil, and milkweed) and often resembling an additional whorl of the perianth
 f. [Medieval Latin, from Latin]
  (1) : a circlet (as of gold) on an ecclesiastical vestment for the head
  (2) : the tonsure of a cleric
 g. : a faint glow adjacent to the surface of an electrical conductor at sufficiently high voltage that results from electrical discharge and indicates an early stage of electric breakdown in the surrounding air or gas
 h. : a usually radial zone of minerals surrounding another mineral or occurring at the contact between certain minerals (as olivine and feldspar)
 i. [New Latin, from Latin] : the group of cells at the apex of the oogonium in stoneworts
 j. [New Latin, from Latin] : the ciliated trochal disk of rotifers and some other organisms
3. [New Latin, from Latin] : medullary sheath
4. [Italian, literally, crown, from Latin] : a mark ·̑ used in musical notation to indicate a hold or a pause : fermata
5. : krone I
6. : rosary
7. [from La Corona, a trademark] : a long cigar having the sides straight to the unsealed end and roundly blunt at the sealed end
8. [New Latin, from Latin] : the main part of the calcareous test of a sea urchin excluding the apical system of plates
9. [Spanish, literally, crown, from Latin] : a saddle blanket shaped to the saddle and bound at the margin with a fold of different color
[a corona 2e]
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, garland, crown — more at crown
synonym of coronatae




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