单词 | prescribe |
释义 | pre·scribe intransitive verb 1. 2. 3. a. < prescribe for a patient > b. 4. < various rights prescribe in twenty years > transitive verb 1. a. < the code of behavior which the culture prescribes for child training — Franz Alexander > < legislatures may prescribe qualifications … for admission to the bar — H.S.Drinker > < rigid convention prescribes that such meetings open with prayer — D.L.Cohn > b. < the fixed routine of prescribed duties — Oscar Wilde > < purchased by the department at prescribed prices — Farmer's Weekly (South Africa) > c. < prescribed to take the following oath — C.W.Ferguson > 2. obsolete 3. < the doctor prescribed quinine > < we prescribe a certain amount of art for ourselves as a kind of corrective — Louis Kronenberger > 4. < prescribed to one poor solitary place — Michael Drayton > Synonyms: < a doctor prescribing medicine for a patient > < payment of the tax as a prerequisite for voting was prescribed by a constitutional amendment — American Guide Series: Arkansas > < the power to prescribe rules of conduct was delegated to the President — C.J.Friedrich > assign may imply arbitrary or chance allotment, designation, or determination for the sake of some such end as harmonious operation, smooth routine, or proper or practical functioning or procedure < assign an officer to a military unit > < assigned to the night shift > < the clause, assigning original jurisdiction to the supreme court — John Marshall > define may indicate an exact delineation or demarcation to prevent confusion or conflict < defining the jurisdiction of various courts > < defined still more clearly the extent to which the nations of this continent are willing to combine their military power to defend any American republic from an aggressor — S.G.Inman > < obscure symbolisms which define the relation of various age groups to each other — Edward Sapir > Synonym: see in addition dictate. |
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