释义 |
prince I. \ˈprin(t)s\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin princip-, princeps first person, chief, prince, literally, one who takes the first part, from prin- (from primus first) + -cip-, -ceps (from capere to take) — more at heave 1. a. : a sovereign ruler : monarch < noblemen passed from court to court, seeking service with one prince or another — W.M.Thackeray > b. : the ruler of a principality or state < New Delhi has promised the princes … the right to be called Your Highness — Time > < the Prince of Monaco > 2. : a male member of a royal family; especially : a son or a grandson in the male line of the British king or queen 3. : a nobleman whose rank and status vary from one part of the world to another < Polynesian princes > < a Chinese prince of the first degree > 4. : an ecclesiastic of high rank; specifically : cardinal 5. a. : a person at the head of a class or profession : one very outstanding in a specified respect < a prince among men > < that prince of hosts who left nothing undone for the comfort of his guests > < a very prince of poets > — compare merchant prince b. : a jolly good fellow : an open-handed and genial friend < he's a real prince > II. intransitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) obsolete : to play or act the part of a prince — often used with it < showed a disposition to prince it > |