释义 |
pro·duc·tion I. \prəˈdəkshən, prōˈ-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English produccioun, from Medieval Latin production-, productio, from Latin productus (past participle of producere to produce) + -ion-, -io -ion — more at produce 1. a. : something that is produced naturally or as the result of labor and effort : product < acrid productions poisonously irritant to throat, lungs — Emily Holt > < skillful artisans, whose choice productions could secure a ready sale — H.T.Buckle > b. (1) : a literary or artistic work (2) : a theatrical representation : the staging or performing of a theatrical entertainment c. : an action resembling an elaborate theatrical performance : one exaggerated out of all proportion to its importance < taking a small child visiting … can be quite a production — Nell Dunkin > < have lunch and still not make a production of it — Richard Joseph > 2. a. : the act or process of producing, bringing forth, or making < chief activities … are maple sugar production and farming — American Guide Series: Pennsylvania > < lead ore was worked … but they ceased production before 1776 — T.T.Read > b. : the creation of utility : the making of goods available for human wants 3. : the act of exhibiting; especially : exhibiting in a court of law < the appellate court went so far as to demand production of the grounds for refusal — Report: American Civil Liberties Union > 4. : a lengthening out or prolonging : elongation, extension 5. : the total output of a commodity II. adjective : designed to provide nutrients to an animal in proportion to its production (as of milk or eggs) and being in addition to those supplied to maintain bodily condition < a production ration of two pounds of grain for each additional gallon of milk > |