

单词 projection
释义 pro·jec·tion
I. \prəˈjekshən, prōˈ-\ noun
Etymology: Middle French, from Latin projection-, projectio, from projectus (past participle of proicere, projicere to throw forth, throw down, stretch out, jut out, from pro- forward, down + -icere, jicere, from jacere to throw) + -ion-, -io -ion — more at pro-, jet
1. : a systematic presentation of intersecting coordinate lines on a flat surface upon which features from the curved surface of the earth or the celestial sphere may be mapped — compare conic projection, cylindrical projection, gnomonic projection, mercator projection, orthographic projection, stereographic projection
 a. : the casting by an alchemist of a powder into a crucible containing a metal to effect its transmutation
 b. : a transforming change
 a. : the act of throwing or shooting forward : ejection
  < watched the projection of the arrow >
 b. : the state of being thrown or shot forward
 a. : the forming of a plan : scheming
 b. : something that is planned : design
5. : the representation of something against a background (as an image or shadow)
  (1) : a jutting out or causing to jut out
  (2) : a part that projects or juts out : an extension beyond something else
   < projection of earth above its natural level — Thomas Hardy >
   < projections … in the corners reveal the heavy timber framework — American Guide Series: Michigan >
 b. : a view of a building or architectural element (as a front elevation) — used especially of architectural drawings
 a. : the operation of projecting
 b. : the picture so formed — see axonometric projection, oblique projection, orthographic projection, trimetric projection
 c. : a segment joining the projections of the ends of a given segment upon a given line or plane
 d. : the foot of a perpendicular from a point upon a line or plane
  (1) : the act of perceiving a mental object as spatially and sensibly objective or of objectifying what is primarily subjective
  (2) : a mental object or image so perceived
   < writing from experience or from an imaginative projection of experience — Malcolm Cowley >
 b. : the act of externalizing: as
  (1) : the spontaneous localization of a sensory impression or memory image either upon the surface of the body or outside in space
   < the projection of an afterimage upon a wall >
  (2) : the attribution to other people and to objects of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes; especially : the externalization of blame, guilt, or responsibility for one's thoughts or actions as an unconscious mechanism to defend the ego against anxiety
   < delusions of persecution are based on the mechanism of projection >
 a. : the display of motion pictures by projecting an image from them upon a screen for either visual or aural review
 b. : the process of projecting the image of a negative or positive for viewing on a screen or for exposing a print on a light-sensitive material
 a. : the act of communicating or conveying a vivid image especially to an audience
  < she excels in genuine stage projection — Stark Young >
 b. : clarity and distinctness especially of a voice
  < sings … with the rugged, compelling projection that has brought him such success — J.S.Wilson b.1913 >
11. : the functional correspondence and connection of parts of the cerebral cortex with parts of the organism
 < the projection of the retina upon the visual area >
 a. : the carrying forward of a trend into the future
 b. : an estimate of future possibilities based on a current trend
  < projections of increases in number of households — M.D.Ketchum >
II. noun
: the process or technique of reproducing a spatial object upon a plane or curved surface or a line by projecting its points ; also : a graph or figure so formed




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