释义 |
pro·por·tion·al I. \-shənəl, -shnəl\ adjective Etymology: Middle English proporcional, from Latin proportionalis, from proportion-, proportio proportion + -alis -al 1. a. : being in proportion : corresponding in size, degree, or intensity : proportionate — used with to < rushed into freedom and enjoyment … with an energy proportional to their previous restraint — G.L.Dickinson > b. : having the same or a constant ratio 2. : of, relating to, or used in determining proportions < windows were widened for proportional consideration > < proportional compasses > 3. : regulated or determined in size or degree with reference to proportions < proportional system of immigration quotas > • pro·por·tion·al·ly \-shənəlē, -shnəlē, -i\ adverb II. noun (-s) 1. : a number or quantity in a proportion 2. obsolete : equivalent 2 |