释义 |
en·caus·tic I. \ə̇nˈkȯstik, (ˈ)en|k-, -tēk\ adjective Etymology: Latin encausticus, from Greek enkaustikos, from enkaustos painted in encaustic (from enkaiein to burn in, paint in encaustic, from en- en- (II) + kaiein to burn) + -ikos -ic — more at caustic : of or relating to encaustic < the encaustic method > < an encaustic picture > • en·caus·ti·cal·ly \-tə̇k(ə)lē, -tēk-, -li\ adverb II. noun 1. : a paint mixed with melted beeswax and after application fixed by heat 2. : the method involving the use of encaustic; also : a picture produced by this method |