释义 |
en·clo·sure noun or in·clo·sure \ə̇nˈklōzhə(r), en-\ (-s) Etymology: Middle English enclosure, from Middle French, from Old French, from enclos + -ure 1. : the act or action of enclosing: as a. : the separation of land from common ground by a fence or barrier b. : separation (as for fire protection) of one part of a building from others 2. : the quality or state of being encompassed or shut up < books musty and damp from long enclosure > 3. : something that encloses (as a barrier) 4. a. : something enclosed in a package or letter < each envelope contained miscellaneous enclosures > b. : an enclosed or fenced-in area < a ranch and its outlying enclosures > c. : the part of a monastery or convent strictly reserved for the religious of the community to the exclusion of outsiders or of certain outsiders (as those of the opposite sex) 5. : the regulation that establishes and is designed to preserve the enclosure of a monastery or convent < an order with a very strict enclosure > |