释义 |
rating I. noun (-s) Etymology: from gerund of rate (I) : scolding, rebuke < gave him a severe rating > II. noun (-s) Etymology: from gerund of rate (III) 1. : a classification according to grade : rank: as a. : the relative standing of a sailor in a ship's company < had the rating of boatswain's mate > b. : an assignment in an occupational group (as in the United States Navy) within which a petty officer holds a rate < a petty officer with a rating of radarman > c. : a specialist classification in the armed forces (as pilot, parachutist, gunner) 2. chiefly Britain : a naval enlisted man < two officers and ten ratings aboard each vessel — Manchester Guardian Weekly > 3. a. : a relative estimate or evaluation (as of status, achievement, or appeal) : standing, mark < his rating was high > < the good academic rating of the school > < a high rating for honesty in government — J.A.Morris b. 1904 > < had the highest rating in the examination > b. : an estimate of the credit and responsibility of an individual or business concern c. : estimation of an indivdual's traits and qualities (as interests, abilities, attitudes, or personality) by his indicated preferences on a scale of items d. : an estimate of the percentage of the public listening to or viewing a particular radio or television program < was Mr. Television himself … had a rating of twenty-eight — Pete Martin > 4. : a stated operating limit of a machine expressible in power units (as in horsepower of a motor, kilowatts of a direct-current generator, or kilovolt amperes of an alternator) or in characteristics (as speed, voltage, or frequency) — compare duty 5b |