

单词 reservoir
释义 res·er·voir
I. \R ˈrezəvˌwär (-zəv- by r-dissimilation), -zəˌvȯ(ə)r also -zərvˌw- or -zərˌv- or -vˌwȯ(ə)r or ÷ -ˌvȯi sometimes -ˌvär or by r-dissimilation -vˌwä or -ˌvȯ or -ˌvä; -R -zəvˌwȧ(r, -ˌvȯ(ə) also -vˌwȯ(ə) or ÷ -ˌvȯi sometimes -ˌvȧ(r\ noun
Etymology: French réservoir, from Middle French, from reserver to reserve + -oir -ory
1. : a place where something is kept in store: as
 a. : a place where water is collected and kept in quantity for use when wanted; especially : an artificial lake in which water is impounded for domestic and industrial use, irrigation, hydroelectric power, flood control, or other purposes
 b. : a part of an apparatus in which a liquid is held
  < the reservoir of an oil lamp >
 c. : a tank on the back of an old-fashioned kitchen range in which water is kept hot by escaped heat from the oven
 a. : a space (as an enlargement of a vessel or the cavity of a glandular acinus) in which a body fluid or other product is stored
  < oil reservoirs on a leaf >
 b. : the enlarged posterior portion of the gullet of some flagellates
3. : an extra supply : reserve, store
 a. : a body of rock sufficiently porous to permit the accumulation of water, petroleum, or natural gas
 b. : the gathering ground where snow collects to form a glacier : the area covered by the névé
 c. : a space within the earth occupied by molten rock or magma
5. : storage bellows
 a. also reservoir host : an organism in which a parasite that is pathogenic for some other species lives and multiplies without damaging its host; broadly : a noneconomic organism within which a pathogen of economic or medical importance flourishes without regard to its pathogenicity for the reservoir
  < rats are reservoirs of plague >
  < reservoir hosts are important in the epidemiology of virus diseases >
 b. : a colony or group of organisms (as noxious animals) that persists when the general population of the species declines and serves as a breeding nucleus
  < small reservoir populations missed by control operations >
II. transitive verb
1. : to provide with a reservoir
2. : to collect, store, or keep in or as if in a reservoir




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