单词 | rhyme |
释义 | rhyme I. or rime 1. a. (1) also rhyme proper (2) (3) b. < fall, appall, haul, and awl are approved rhymes > < there were no more rhymes for sky — Lord Dunsany > c. (1) (2) (3) d. 2. a. (1) < some love of yours has writ to you in rhyme — Shakespeare > (2) < there is no such thing as a dialect for rhyme, or a language for verse — John Ruskin > < in the style of folk rhyme — H.W.Wells > < writers of pleasant rhymes — Australasian > b. < my passionate rhyme — W.B.Yeats > < gave us an extraordinary English doggerel rhyme — J.M.Synge > 3. < gay broad leaves shone and swung in rhyme — John Galsworthy > II. or rime intransitive verb 1. < talked nothing but blank verse for the rest of the afternoon, except once or twice when she rhymed — J.B.S.Haldane > < how vilely doth this cynic rhyme — Shakespeare > 2. a. of a word or verse < the middle line of each terzina, or triplet, rhymes with the first and third lines of the next — J.A.Macy > b. of a word or syllable < since stressed can rhyme with unstressed syllables the number of possible full rhymes in English is greatly extended — G.S.Fraser > < cover rhymes with lover > 3. < the sun, the banners, the rose leaves, the young children … rhyme with the new joy and innocence to be achieved — George Santayana > transitive verb 1. a. < rhymes the struggles of the first settlers — Katharine L. Bates > b. < if I could have the wish I rhyme — H.A.Blood > c. < I rhymed out poetry in my youth — Donagh MacDonagh > d. < sleight is rhymed with counterfeit as well as height — Notes & Queries > 2. < pretty friendship 'tis to rhyme your friends to death before their time — A.E.Housman > |
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