释义 |
right-hand \ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷\ adjective Etymology: right hand 1. : situated on the right : nearer the right hand than the left < right-hand room > < right-hand side of the road > < the right-hand upper vest pocket — Sinclair Lewis > 2. a. : of, using, or performed with the right hand < right-hand blow > < right-hand dexterity > b. : designed for or used on the right hand < a right-hand glove > 3. : chiefly relied on : almost indispensable — compare right-hand man 2 4. : having, operating in, or delivering power in a right-handed direction < a right-hand motor > < right-hand engine revolution > 5. a. of a door : opening to the right away from one b. of a hinge : fitting or designed to fit a right-hand or right-hand reverse bevel door c. of a lock (1) : fitting or designed to fit on a right-hand or right-hand reverse bevel door or on a left-hand reverse bevel door if both sides of the lock operate (2) : throwing or designed to throw right 6. a. of a turning tool : designed to cut to the right b. of a thread chaser : designed to cut a right-hand screw thread c. of a milling cutter : designed to rotate counterclockwise 7. of a rope : right-laid 8. a. : of or relating to a division of non-Brahmanical castes in southern India engaging in social and ceremonial rivalry with the left-hand castes b. : of or relating to a division of Shaktism marked by public Vedic and puranic rites |