释义 |
rip·en \ˈrīpən, -pəm\ verb (ripened \-pənd, -pəmd\ ; ripened \“\ ; ripening \-p(ə)niŋ\ ; ripens \-pənz, -pəmz\) Etymology: ripe (I) + -en intransitive verb 1. : to grow ripe : become mature (as of grain, fruit, or a microorganism) 2. : to approach or come to full development : arrive at completeness or perfection : become fit for use, for action, or for an appropriate purpose 3. : to become ready to discharge — used of an abscess or boil 4. of a photographic emulsion : to increase in average grain size as a result of physical treatment (as prolonged heating) or in sensitivity as a result of chemical treatment transitive verb 1. : to make ripe < the grower may … ripen the fruit in transit or on arrival by means of ethylene — G.L.Jenkins & W.H.Hartung > < time had ripened his life and mellowed its fruits — Van Wyck Brooks > 2. : to bring to maturity, completeness, or perfection : cause full development of : fit or prepare for some use or purpose: as a. : to sour (cream) by bacterial action as a prelude to churning for butter to reduce fat loss and improve the flavor of the finished product b. : to age or cure (cheese) to develop characteristic flavor, odor, body, texture, and color c. : to improve flavor and tenderness of (beef or game) through the action of enzymes in the meat during a period of refrigeration 3. : to cause to become ready to discharge — used of an abscess or boil Synonyms: see mature |