

单词 flash
释义 flash
I. \ˈflash, -aa(ə)-, -ai-\ verb
Etymology: Middle English flaschen, of imitative origin
intransitive verb
1. : rush, dash, splash — used of flowing or tidal water
 < flood waters flashing over the rocky stream bed >
 a. : to break forth in or like a sudden flame : appear as a momentary flare
  < the steel flashed >
  < lightning flashing in the sky >
  < the light flashed on >
 b. of a combustible : to ignite with a flare
  < the powder flashed >
 c. of a gun : to give forth flame in the discharge
 a. : to appear as suddenly as a flash
  < an explanation flashed into her mind >
 b. : to move with great speed : come, go, or pass like a flash
  < the squirrel flashed up a tree >
  < time flashed by and we had to leave >
4. archaic : to make a good showing : put one's best foot forward : show off
 a. : to enter suddenly into another state (as of action or consciousness)
  < he flashed awake at the sound >
  < flashing into action as the starter's flag fell >
 b. : to break forth or out so as to make a sudden or unexpected display
  < the sun flashed from behind a cloud >
 c. : to act or speak vehemently and suddenly especially in anger or disagreement — usually used with out
  < flashing out against such abuses >
  < sometimes she flashes out furiously before she thinks >
 a. : to light up or glow suddenly or intermittently
  < fireflies flashing in the meadow >
  < sunlight flashing on the water >
 b. : to reflect light brilliantly or intermittently
  < her diamonds flashed and twinkled under the candles >
  < the windows flashed with the setting sun >
 c. of the eyes : to glow or gleam especially with animation or passion : sparkle
  < eyes flashing with delight >
7. in glass manuf : to expand or open out into a sheet — used of a blown globe of glass
8. of a liquid : to change suddenly or violently into vapor
 < when released from pressure the oil flashes into vapor >
transitive verb
 a. archaic : to cause (water) to splash
 b. : to fill (as a channel) or pass (as a boat) over an obstacle by means of a sudden inflow of water
 a. : to cause the sudden appearance of (light or a source of illumination) : emit
  < the oars flashed cold greenish light >
  — often used with on
  < he flashed on the light >
 b. : to cause to burst violently into fire
  < a lighted match probably flashed the escaping gas >
 c. : to cause (light) to reflect or cause (as a mirror) to reflect light
  < flashing spots of light on the ceiling with a mirror >
  < flashing a mirror in the sunlight >
 often : to convey or communicate (information or a message) by means of flashes of light
  < flashed his position with a torch >
  < the general's answer was flashed by heliograph >
 d. : to cause to glow or gleam usually suddenly or transiently
  < flashed her bright eyes at the boy >
 e. : to burn (as a sample of explosive) under controlled conditions in order to determine the character and amount of residue
 a. : to convey, make known, or cause to appear with great speed or instantaneously
  < the news of the surrender was flashed around the world by radio and telegraph >
  < the operator flashed a message on the screen >
 b. : to show off : display obtrusively or ostentatiously
  < only a fool would flash a fat wallet in such company >
 c. : to expose to view suddenly and usually briefly
  < the detective flashed his badge >
  < flashing a shy smile >
 especially : to expose (the face of a playing card) momentarily whether by accident (as in dealing) or by design (as in certain card tricks)
 d. : to type (a word or phrase) as a unit without thinking of the individual letters as they are struck
4. : to cover with or form into a thin layer: as
 a. : to protect (as the valley, hip, or edge of a roof) against rain by covering with sheet metal or a substitute laid over or under the edge of the roofing
 b. : to coat (as plain glass) with a thin layer (as of colored glass or metal); also : to apply (as a layer of colored glass) to — often used with on
 c. : to pass a blowtorch flame over the surface of a layer of melted wax of (an electrotype case) to remove air bubbles prior to use in an electrotype mold
 a. : to cause (glass) to flash
 b. : to reheat (glass) to intensify the color especially when red or yellow
6. : to subject (an exposed photographic negative or positive) to a supplementary uniform exposure to light before development in order to modify detail or tone
 a. : to convert (a liquid) quickly into vapor (as in a flash boiler)
 b. : to eliminate in the form of vapor especially by exposure to intense or sudden heating — usually used with off
  < flashing off the turpentine in purifying gum >
 c. : to vaporize (a getter) by heating the vacuum-tube filament in order to clear the tube of residual gas
 d. : to reduce the pressure of suddenly (as by releasing into a vaporizing chamber or tower under lower pressure)
  < the hot tar is flashed into a vacuum chamber >
II. noun
 a. : a sudden burst of light : a light instantaneously appearing and disappearing
  < a flash of lightning >
 b. : a transient light (as from a lantern or torch) displayed as a signal; also : a movement of a flag in signaling
2. : a sudden and brilliant burst (as of wit or genius) : a momentary and sudden show
 < occasional flashes of industry >
3. : the duration of a flash : a brief time
 < answered in a flash >
 < for a flash we thought we saw them >
 a. : show, display; especially : a vulgar ostentatious display
 b. archaic : a showy ostentatious person : swell, fop
 c. : something or someone that attracts notice (as by gaudiness or excellence); especially : an outstanding athlete
 d. : brightness of color in flue-cured tobacco
5. obsolete
 a. : ostentatious or bombastic talk or phrasing
 b. [perhaps from flash (III) ] : slang, cant
 a. obsolete : a splash or wave of water
 b. archaic : a sudden stream of water released (as at a shoal or weir) to permit passage of a boat
7. : something flashed: as
 a. : glimpse, look
  < caught a flash of the scene as he hurried by >
 b. : smile
 c. : a first brief news report; usually : one of an especially newsworthy event sent to a newspaper or news broadcaster by wire — compare bulletin
 d. : flashlight c, d
 e. : the quick-spreading flame or momentary intense outburst of radiant heat from the burst of a bomb, bazooka, or other explosive blast or from a flamethrower or welding arc
 f. Britain : a bright tab worn as part of the insignia of a military uniform:
  (1) : a red shoulder patch — called also shoulder flash
  (2) : a red tab attached to a kilt garter as part of the uniform of certain Scottish units
 g. : the body exposure at the end of a striptease
 a. : fin 2 e
 b. : the recesses in a set of dies that receive the fin
9. : a thin layer: as
 a. : a layer of glass flashed on
 b. : a very thin electroplated coating usually less than 1/100,00 inch thick
 c. : a surface coloration on brick or pottery produced in the kiln by metallic oxides, manipulation of flame, or accidentally
10. : a strong red that is yellower, darker, and slightly less strong than geranium (sense 3a) and yellower and slightly lighter than Goya
11. : the rapid conversion of a liquid into vapor
12. : flashing 4
III. adjective
Etymology: flash (II)
 a. of a thing : showy but counterfeit : cheap, pretentious, and vulgar
  < flash finery >
 sometimes : such as appeals to the uncritically fashionable : smart
  < a flash hotel >
 b. of a person
  (1) : vulgarly pretentious : given to showy display
  (2) : belonging to a sporting set; often : sporty, fast
  (3) : being a thief, tramp, or a member of some other class that is considered beyond the bounds of normal society
 c. : of, relating to, or characteristic of flash things or people
  < a flash appearance >
  < flash behavior >
 a. : of sudden origin, swift advance, and usually short duration
  < a flash fire >
  < a valley subject to flash flooding >
 b. of a food-processing method : involving extremely brief exposure to some very intense altering agent (as heat or cold)
  < flash drying of milk >
  < processed by flash freezing >
3. : caused by or used to protect against flash
 < flash injury >
 < flash gear >
— see flash burn
IV. adjective
Etymology: Middle English flasch tepid, from Middle French flache, feminine of flac weak, feeble, slack, from Latin flaccus flabby
1. obsolete, of food : lacking in savor : insipid, flat, tasteless
2. obsolete : lacking meaning or validity : trashy : weak and worthless — used especially of essentially mental matters (as speech or reasoning)
V. noun
Etymology: Middle English (Scots) flasche
obsolete : a sheaf of arrows
VI. intransitive verb
1. : to expose one's genitals usually suddenly and briefly in public
2. : to have a sudden insight — often used with on
 < she just flashed on it: for once in her life, she ought to put her own needs right up front — Cyra McFadden >
transitive verb
: to expose one's genitals usually suddenly and briefly to
 < that person flashed me >
VII. noun
1. : rush herein
2. : pizzazz herein




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