

单词 floor
释义 floor
I. \ˈflō(ə)r, -ȯ(ə)r, -ōə, -ȯ(ə)\ noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English flor, from Old English flōr; akin to Old High German fluor cultivated field, meadow, Old Norse flōrr floor of a cow stall, Old Irish lār floor, Latin planus level, flat, Greek planan to cause to wander, planasthai to wander, Old Slavic polje field; basic meaning: broad and flat
1. : the bottom or lower part of any room : the part of a room upon which one stands
 a. : the lower inside surface of any hollow structure
  < the floor of a cave >
  < the floor of the pelvis >
 b. : a lower ground surface (as the bottom of the sea or the invert of the chamber of a canal lock)
  < the floor of the valley >
3. : the structure of supporting beams, girders, and covering that divides a building horizontally; broadly : a story of a building
4. : the surface or the platform of a structure on which to walk, work, or travel
 < the floor of a bridge >
 < the floor of a prize ring >
 a. : the main level space in a room distinguished from a platform or gallery: as
  (1) : the part of a securities or commodity exchange on which trading takes place
   < floor traders >
  (2) : the part of a legislative chamber or meeting room occupied by the members
  (3) : an inside area (as in a restaurant or nightclub) used and usually specially dressed and prepared for dancing — called also dance floor
  (4) : an area often specially prepared or marked on which an indoor sports event takes place
   < the coach sent a substitute onto the floor >
 b. : the occupants of a floor
  < the whole third floor is furious over the situation >
  (1) : the members of an assembly : audience
   < the chairman appealed to the floor >
   < questions from the floor >
  (2) : the dancers participating in a square dance
 c. : the attention of an audience; broadly : the right especially of a member to address an assembly
 a. : the athwartship vertical plate connecting the frame and reverse frame of a steel ship — see ship illustration
 b. : an athwartship member in a wood ship attached to a wood frame
7. : the rock underlying an unconsolidated or stratified deposit : basement complex
 a. : a nearly horizontal flat surface (as the top of a hard bed or stratum) that is utilized in mining operations
 b. : the bottom of any nearly horizontal mine working (as a drift, level, flat stope, or slope); sometimes : a rock stratum
 c. : one of the horizontal divisions of a stope that especially in square-set stoping are generally spaced at regular intervals between levels
9. : the layer of organic material covering the soil of a forest : duff
10. in malting : a batch of grain spread out for germination
11. : a lower limit or base: as
 a. : one imposed by an authoritative ruling below which a given quantity or rate is not to be allowed to fall
  < the right of the government to establish floors >
  < a floor under prices or wages >
 b. : a bottom level determined by economic factors
  < increases in wages or freight rates raise the cost floor >
II. transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English floren, from flor, n.
 a. : to cover with a floor : furnish with flooring
  < will floor the camp next weekend >
 b. : to form the floor of
  < soft herbage floored the valley >
2. : to strike down or lay level with the floor : knock down; broadly : silence, defeat
 < his answer floored me completely >
3. : to put, send, force, or display on or toward the floor
 < the coach floored a whole new team >
 < he floored the accelerator and the car surged ahead >
III. \ˈflü(ə)r\
variant of flower
variant of flour




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