释义 |
flor·en·tine I. \ˈflȯrən.ˌtēn, -lär- sometimes -tīn\ noun (-s) Etymology: Latin Florentinus, of Florentia (Florence), from Florentia + -inus -ine 1. capitalized : a native or resident of Florence 2. often capitalized : flame scarlet II. adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Latin Florentinus : florence: as a. : in or following a style of art originated in Florence during the Renaissance and noted for fine drawing, idealized portrayal, and humanist content — compare sienese b. : served or dressed with spinach — usually used postpositively < eggs Florentine > III. noun Usage: sometimes capitalized Etymology: French florentin, probably short for gâteau florentin, literally, Florentine cake : a thin, crisp cookie made with little or no flour, usually containing nuts and candied fruit, and coated with chocolate on one side |