释义 |
s I. \ˈes\ noun (plural s's or ss \ˈesə̇z\) Usage: often capitalized, often attributive 1. a. : the 19th letter of the English alphabet b. : an instance of this letter printed, written, or otherwise represented — see long s c. : a speech counterpart of orthographic s (as s in sister, basin, or French sang) 2. : a printer's type, a stamp, or some other instrument for reproducing the letter s 3. : someone or something arbitrarily or conveniently designated s especially as the 18th or when j is used for the 10th the 19th in order or class 4. a. [satisfactory] : a grade assigned by a teacher or examiner rating a student's work as satisfactory b. : one graded or rated with an s 5. : something having the shape of the letter S < an S curve in the road > II. abbreviation Usage: often capitalized 1. sabbath 2. sacral 3. sacred 4. saeculum 5. saint 6. sand 7. satang 8. scalar 9. schilling 10. school 11. science 12. scribe 13. seaman 14. search 15. seat 16. second; secondary 17. secretary 18. section 19. see 20. semi 21. senate 22. September 23. [Latin sepultus] buried 24. series 25. set 26. sharp 27. shilling 28. ship 29. side 30. sign; signed 31. [Latin signa] write 32. signature 33. signor 34. silicate 35. silver 36. silversmith 37. simplex 38. [Latin sine] without 39. sine 40. single 41. singular 42. [Latin sinister] left 43. sink 44. sire 45. slip 46. slow 47. small 48. smooth 49. snow 50. socialist 51. society 52. [Latin socius or sodalis] fellow 53. soft 54. sol 55. solid 56. solidus 57. solo 58. solubility 59. son 60. soprano 61. sou 62. south; southerly; southern 63. special 64. species 65. speed 66. sphere; spherical 67. staff 68. standard 69. station 70. statute 71. steamer 72. steel 73. stem 74. stere 75. stock 76. straight 77. subito 78. subject 79. submarine 80. substantive 81. succeeded 82. sucre 83. sun 84. superb 85. superior 86. surfaced 87. surplus 88. survey 89. switch 90. symmetrical III. symbol Usage: capitalized 1. sulfur 2. entropy 3. the subject of a proposition in logic IV. abbreviation siemens herein |