释义 |
fron·tal I. \ˈfrəntəl sometimes -rän-\ noun (-s) Etymology: in sense 1, from Middle English frountel, frontel, from Middle French frontel, from Latin frontale, from front-, frons + -ale (neuter of -alis -al); in sense 2, from Middle English frountel, frontel, from Medieval Latin frontellum, diminutive of Latin front-, frons; in other senses, from frontal (II) 1. : something worn across the forehead; specifically : an ornamental band often of jewels 2. : a movable decorative piece (as of rich stuff or embroidery) covering the front of an altar in a church 3. : facade 4. a. : frontal bone b. : a frontal scale or plate II. adjective Etymology: New Latin frontalis, from Latin front-, frons forehead + -alis -al — more at brink 1. a. : of or relating to the forehead or the frontal bone b. : of or being a scale or plate lying between the eyes and over the frontal bone in a reptile 2. a. : belonging to the front part < a frontal appendage > b. : of or relating to the front : taking place from or at the front < to cease all frontal resistance and to limit its activity to guerrilla warfare — D.J.Dallin > c. : directed against the front : delivered upon the main or essential point or issue : direct < a frontal assault on the enemy > < frontal attack … on broad problems of human nature — F.A.Geldard > 3. a. : parallel to the main axis of the body and at right angles to the sagittal plane b. : having or showing frontality 4. : of or relating to a meteorological front 5. : front 2 • fron·tal·ly \-əlē, -əli\ adverb |