

单词 sartorial
释义 sar·to·ri·al
\(ˈ)sär|tōrēəl, (ˈ)sȧ|t-, -tȯr-\ adjective
Etymology: Latin sartor patcher, tailor + English -ial
1. : of, relating to, or characteristic of a tailor
 < sitting in sartorial fashion >
2. : of or relating to dress or to tailored clothes
 < native sandals, a sport shirt which was whole once upon a time, and an outrageously battered straw sombrero … completed a strange sartorial picture — Lawrence Dame >
 < his well-known sartorial fancies — Gladwin Hill >
 < acquired more of the stateman's sartorial appearance — Current Biography >
 < sartorial elegance >
sar·to·ri·al·ly \-əlē, -əli\ adverb




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