

单词 satisfy
释义 sat·is·fy
\ˈsad.ə̇ˌsfī, -atə̇-\ verb
Etymology: Middle English satisfien, from Middle French satisfier, modification (influenced by Middle French -fier -fy) of Latin satisfacere, from satis enough + facere to do, make — more at sad, do
transitive verb
 a. : to carry out the terms of (as a contract) : discharge
  < the property would be insufficient to satisfy … the lien — G.A.Parks >
  < helpless to … defend a suit because he has no money to satisfy court fees — J.M.Maguire >
 b. : to meet a financial obligation to (a creditor)
  < had to sell land … to satisfy his creditors — T.J.Wertenbaker >
 c. obsolete : to recompense for services : remunerate
  < not a compositor's duty; especially where he has no expectation of being satisfied for it — Philip Luckombe >
 a. obsolete : to serve as compensation for (a loss or injury) : avenge, requite
  (1) : to do penance for (a sin)
  (2) : to make atonement or reparation to (an injured party) : indemnify
   < conclude a treaty to satisfy Indians deprived of their hereditary lands >
 a. : to make happy : please
  < in the position of having to satisfy teachers and critics — R.M.Weaver >
  < farmers … were satisfied with the administration's flexible farm support program — Wall Street Journal >
  < a picture, in whatever degree it be realistic or nonrealistic, should … satisfy the eye — C.W.H.Johnson >
 b. : to gratify to the full : appease, satiate
  < satisfied his omnivorous appetite for reading in the village library — A.C.Cole >
  < the men in the capital … do their utmost to gauge and to satisfy the desires of the nation — Lester Markel >
 a. : to persuade by argument or evidence : convince
  < took me a long time to satisfy them … that my engagements prevented me from presiding — O.S.J.Gogarty >
  < not satisfied that I have penetrated this allegory — Paul Pickrel >
 b. : to put an end to (doubt or uncertainty) : dispel
  < many a world-renowned lecturer came up the Mississippi … to satisfy his curiosity — American Guide Series: Minnesota >
 c. : to answer or express fully
  < a question or two in the unquiet heads which nothing can ever satisfy — W.L.Sullivan >
  < cloying repetitions that do not satisfy the romantic illusion he has created — I.L.Salomon >
 a. : to conform to (accepted criteria or requirements) : fulfill, meet
  < if a consignment does not satisfy all the conditions … it is graded down — Farmer's Weekly (South Africa) >
  < able … to satisfy the demands of a moral, Victorian society — Ruth R. Chapman >
  < an explanation which might satisfy these statements and be true to the evidence — H.Lovegrove >
 b. : to comply with (an academic requirement)
  < courses … taken to satisfy the distribution requirements — Official Register of Harvard University >
 c. : to provide a solution for; specifically : to substitute an expression for an unknown quantity in (an equation) so that the resulting equation is true
 d. : to serve as an embodiment of : give concrete expression to : exemplify
  < the first American foundation which satisfies the definition — F.E.Andrews >
  < a social regime can come into enduring existence only as it satisfies some elements of human nature not previously afforded expression — John Dewey >
6. : to respond to by chemical union
 < to satisfy valences >
intransitive verb
1. archaic : to do penance : atone; specifically : to fulfill the requirements of divine justice
2. : to be a source of pleasure or gratification : please, suffice
 < where the play seems not to satisfy is in the full release of emotions — Leslie Rees >
 content: satisfy usually implies full appeasement of a desire, longing, need, or requirement
  < satisfy curiosity >
  < satisfy an appetite >
  < satisfy the desire for power — W.G.Walter >
  < the needs which such an effort purports to satisfy — Abram Kardiner >
  content usually implies gratification of a desire or longing to the point where one is not disquieted or disturbed even though every wish is not fully realized
  < must content myself with adducing some fresh evidence on the subject — J.G.Frazer >
  < contented with the same food, clothing and lodging which satisfied them in former times — Adam Smith >
 satisfy, fulfill, meet, answer all imply the ability to measure up to a set of criteria or requirements. satisfy often implies adequacy to a practical extent or for a stated purpose
  < went a long way toward satisfying the long-standing claims of his critics — Time >
  < a culture which will satisfy our needs — J.B.Conant >
  < finding the way to satisfy her demands — A.S.Igleheart >
  fulfill, when it is not interchangeable with satisfy, may connote more abundance or richness of qualification
  < fulfill the requirement for graduation >
  < fulfill his greatest need >
  < fulfill all conditions imposed upon a candidate for office >
  meet implies an exactness of agreement between a requirement and what is submitted to fill it
  < the instruments met all the criteria with above-average ratings — Helen Vodicka >
  < the student has not met all financial obligations to the University — Loyola University Bulletin >
  < the provisions were sufficiently flexible to meet the needs of men with very large families — R.A.Billington >
  answer usually though not necessarily implies the simple satisfaction of a demand, need, or purpose often in a temporary or expedient manner and may imply some falling short in completeness or fullness of qualification
  < answer a need >
  < though a sharp knife should be used, a dull one will answer the purpose >
  < answer in some way the demands of a growing child for good counseling >
Synonym: see in addition pay.




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