

单词 Freeview®

free /frē/

adjective (freer /frēˈər/; freest /frēˈist/)
  1. Not bound
  2. At liberty
  3. Not under arbitrary government
  4. Not strict, or bound by rules
  5. Not literal
  6. Unimpeded
  7. Unconstrained
  8. Readily cut, separated or wrought
  9. Ready, esp in the phrase free to confess
  10. Guiltless
  11. Frank
  12. Lavish
  13. Uncombined
  14. (of a morpheme) able to stand alone as a word, opp to bound (linguistics)
  15. Unattached
  16. Exempt (with from)
  17. Not suffering from or encumbered with (with of or from)
  18. Having a franchise (with of)
  19. Without, or not necessitating, payment
  20. Bold
  21. Indecent
  1. Freely
  2. Without payment
  3. Without obstruction
transitive verb (freeˈing; freed)
  1. To give liberty to
  2. To deliver from whatever confines (something)
  3. (often with up) to release someone from a commitment in order for them to take on another
  4. To rid (with from or of)
combining form

Free from, as in trouble-free

ORIGIN: OE frēo; Ger frei; ON frī

freeˈbie noun (orig US; slang; also freeˈbee)

Something supplied free of charge (also adjective)

freeˈdom noun

  1. Liberty
  2. Frankness
  3. Outspokenness
  4. Unhampered boldness
  5. Separation
  6. Privileges connected with a city (often granted as a merely symbolic honour)
  7. Improper familiarity
  8. Licence

freeˈly adverb

freeˈness noun

freer /frēˈər/ noun

A liberator

free agency noun

The state or power of acting freely, or without necessity or constraint upon the will

free agent noun

free-and-easˈy noun

An informal public-house club (see also free and easy below)

freeˈ-arm adjective

With the arm unsupported

free association noun

A technique in psychoanalysis based either on the first association called forth by each of a series of words or on a train of thought suggested by a single word

free atom noun

An unattached atom assumed to exist briefly during certain chemical reactions

freeˈbase noun (slang)

Cocaine refined for smoking by being heated with ether, often also inhaled during the process

transitive verb

To refine (cocaine) in this way

intransitive verb

To smoke freebase

freeˈ-bench noun (historical)

A widow's right to an endowment out of her husband's lands

freeˈboard noun

  1. The distance between waterline and the deck or the upper edge of the side of a vessel (nautical)
  2. A strip of land outside a fence, or a right to this

freeˈbooter noun

A person who roves about freely in search of booty (Du vrijbuiter)

freeˈbootery noun

freeˈbooting adjective and noun

freeˈbooty noun

freeˈborn adjective

Born free

Free Church noun

  1. That branch of the Presbyterians in Scotland which left the Established Church in the Disruption of 1843
  2. The small minority of that group who refused to combine with the United Presbyterians in the United Free Church (see United Presbyterian Church under Presbyterian)
  3. In England, a Nonconformist church generally

freeˈ-city noun

A city constituting a state in itself

free climbing noun

Rock climbing using ropes but no spikes, ladders or other fixed aids

free collective bargaining noun

Collective bargaining (see under collect) without government-imposed or other restrictions

free companion noun (historical)

A member of a free company, a medieval band of mercenaries ready for any service

freeˈ-cost noun

Freedom from charges

freeˈ-diver noun

A skin-diver

freeˈ-diving noun

Skin diving

freedˈman or (fem) freedˈwoman noun (pl freedˈmen or freedˈwomen) (historical)

A man or woman who has been a slave and has been freed

freedom fighter noun

A person who fights in an armed movement for the liberation of a nation, etc from a government considered unjust, tyrannical, etc

free drop noun

A ruling allowing one to lift a golf ball from its resting place and drop it elsewhere without penalty

free energy noun (chem)

The capacity of a system to perform work

free enterprise noun

The conduct of business without interference from the state

free fall noun

  1. The motion of an unpropelled body in a gravitational field, eg that of a spacecraft in orbit
  2. The part of a parachute jump before the parachute opens
  3. Any fast, uncontrolled descent (figurative)

freeˈ-fall adjective

Of or relating to free fall or to a parachute jump which is partly a free fall

intransitive verb

To fall with one's parachute kept closed

free-fallˈing noun

free fight noun

A confused, haphazard or indiscriminate fight

freeˈ-fisher noun

A person who has a right to take fish in certain waters

free flight noun

The flight of a rocket, etc when its motor is no longer producing thrust

free-floatˈing adjective

  1. Not attached
  2. Uncommitted
  3. (of anxiety) not attributable to a specific cause (psychiatry)

Freeˈfone® noun

A British Telecom service allowing callers eg to a business or organization to make their calls free of charge, the charges being paid by the business or organization concerned (also, loosely, freeˈphone)

freeˈ-foodˈer noun

An opponent of taxes on food

freeˈ-footed adjective (Shakespeare)

Not restrained in movement

freeˈ-for-all noun

  1. A contest open to anybody (also adjective)
  2. A public brawl

freeˈ-form adjective

  1. Flowing freely
  2. Unstructured

free gift noun

Something given free with a product as an incentive to buy

freeˈhand adjective

Executed by the unguided hand

free hand noun

Complete freedom of action

freeˈ-handˈed adjective

  1. Open-handed
  2. Liberal

freeˈ-handˈedness noun

freeˈ-heartˈed adjective

  1. Open-hearted
  2. Liberal

freeˈ-heartˈedness noun

freeˈhold noun (law)

  1. A property held by fee simple, fee tail, or for life
  2. The holding of property in any of these ways


Being or relating to a freehold

freeˈholder noun

A person who possesses a freehold

free house noun

A public house that is not tied to a particular supplier

free kick noun (football)

A kick for which no defender may approach within ten yards of the ball, awarded eg after the opposing side has committed a foul

free labour noun

  1. Voluntary, not slave, labour
  2. (the labour of) workers who do not belong to a trade union

freeˈlance noun

  1. Anyone who works for himself or herself, employed or paid by others only for particular, usu short-term, assignments (also freeˈlancer)
  2. An unattached politician, etc
  3. Orig one of the mercenary knights and men-at-arms who after the Crusades wandered about Europe (historical)


Being or relating to a freelance

intransitive verb

To work as a freelance


In the role of a freelance

free list noun

The list of people admitted without payment to a theatre, etc, or of those to whom a book, etc is sent

free-livˈer noun

  1. A person who freely indulges his or her appetite for eating and drinking
  2. A glutton

free-livˈing adjective (biology)

Not parasitic or symbiotic

freeˈload intransitive verb (esp US; informal)

  1. To eat at someone else's expense
  2. To sponge
  3. To gain from others' efforts


A free meal

freeˈloader noun

freeˈloading noun and adjective

free love noun

(the claim to) freedom in sexual relations, unshackled by marriage

free-lovˈer noun

A person who advocates, or is thought to advocate, free love, eg (with cap) a Perfectionist (see under perfect)

free lunch noun (informal)

Something given with apparently no strings attached, but usu received with suspicion

freeˈman or (fem) freeˈwoman noun (pl freeˈmen or freeˈwomen)

  1. A person who is free or enjoys liberty
  2. A person who holds a particular franchise or privilege

free market noun

A capitalist economic system where prices are allowed to fluctuate solely according to supply and demand

freeˈ-market adjective

free-marketeerˈ noun

freeˈmāson noun

  1. In the Middle Ages, a stonemason of a superior grade
  2. (often with cap) a member of a secret male fraternity, united in lodges for social enjoyment and mutual assistance

freemasonˈic adjective

freemāˈsonry noun

  1. (also with cap) the institutions, practices, etc of freemasons
  2. Instinctive understanding and sympathy

free-mindˈed adjective

  1. With a mind free or unperplexed
  2. Without a load of care

free pardon noun

An unconditional pardon to someone convicted of a crime

freephone see Freefone® above.

free port noun

  1. A port open on equal terms to all traders
  2. A free-trade zone adjacent to a port or airport, allowing duty-free import and re-export of goods

Freeˈpost® noun

A Royal Mail service which allows inquirers or potential customers to write to a business or organization free of charge, the postage costs being paid by the business or organization concerned

free radical noun

A group of atoms containing at least one unpaired electron existing briefly during certain chemical reactions

freeˈ-range adjective

  1. (of poultry) allowed some freedom to move about, not kept in a barn or battery
  2. (of eggs) laid by free-range hens

freeˈ-reed adjective (music)

Having a reed that does not touch the side of the aperture

freeˈride or freeride skiing noun

An extreme form of skiing in which participants attempt difficult jumps and turns

free ride noun (informal)

The ability to benefit from a situation, etc without having to bear any of its costs and responsibilities

free-ridˈer noun (informal)

  1. A person who enjoys benefits obtained for workers by a trade union without being a member of that trade union
  2. Anyone who benefits from an economic situation without paying for the privilege

free running noun

An extreme sport in which participants run through an urban area using techniques from gymnastics, martial arts and climbing to negotiate obstacles

free school noun

  1. A school where no tuition fees are exacted
  2. (in England) a school that is funded by the government but run independently of the local authority

freeˈ-select intransitive verb (Aust)

To take up crown land under a scheme making land available for small farms

freeˈ-selection (or /-lek'shən/) noun

  1. The process of doing so
  2. The land so taken

freeˈ-selector (or /-lek'tər/) noun

freeˈsheet noun

A newspaper distributed free

freeˈ-shot noun

(Ger Freischütz) a legendary hunter and marksman who gets a number of bullets (Freikugeln) from the Devil, six of which always hit the mark, while the seventh remains at the Devil's disposal

free skating noun

Competitive figure skating in which the skater selects movements from an officially approved list of jumps, spins, etc

freeˈ-soil adjective

In favour of free territory and opposed to slavery

free-soilˈer noun

freeˈ-space adjective

(of a radio, etc) able to operate only where there is free space, ie where the radio waves are not affected by surrounding objects such as buildings, hills, etc

free speech noun

The right to express one's opinions freely in public

free spirit noun

A person of an independent and individualistic turn of mind

free-spōkˈen adjective

Accustomed to speaking without reserve

free-spōkˈenness noun

freeˈ-standing adjective

Not supported by or attached to anything else

Free States plural noun

In America, before the Civil War of 1861–65, those of the United States in which slavery did not exist, opp to Slave States

freeˈstone noun

  1. Any easily wrought building stone without a tendency to split into layers
  2. A freestone fruit


(of a type of peach, etc) having a stone from which the pulp easily separates, opp to clingstone

freeˈstyle adjective

  1. (of a (eg swimming or skiing) race or competition) in which a competitor is free to choose which style or method to use or which movements to perform
  2. (of wrestling) all-in
  3. (of a competitor) taking part in freestyle competitions, etc
  4. (of rap music) improvised


  1. Freestyle competitions
  2. (in swimming now usu) the front crawl (see under front)

intransitive verb

To perform freestyle rap

freeˈstyler noun

  1. A competitor in freestyle competitions
  2. A performer of freestyle rap

freeˈ-swimming adjective

Swimming about, not attached

freeˈthinker noun

  1. A person who rejects authority in religion
  2. A rationalist

freeˈthinking noun and adjective

freeˈ-thought noun

free throw noun (basketball)

A throw at a basket without interference, as a penalty against the opposing side for an infringement

free-to-airˈ or free-to-viewˈ adjective

Denoting a television channel for which no extra subscription is required, opp to pay television

freeˈ-tongued adjective


free trade noun

  1. Free or unrestricted trade
  2. Free interchange of commodities without protective duties

free-tradˈer noun

  1. A person who practises or advocates this
  2. A smuggler (obsolete)
  3. A smuggling vessel (obsolete)

free verse noun

  1. Verse that has no regularity of metre, rhyme, length of lines, etc
  2. Rhythmic prose arranged as irregular verses

freeˈ-verser noun

A writer of free verse, a verslibrist

Freeview® noun

A digital terrestrial television service supplied free of charge

free vote noun

A vote left to individual choice, free from party discipline

freeˈware noun (comput sl)

A program that can be copied without charge but not sold

freeˈway noun

  1. A toll-free road for high-speed traffic (US)
  2. A motorway (S Afr)

freeˈwheel noun

The mechanism of a bicycle by which the rear-wheel may be temporarily disconnected and set free from the driving-gear

freewheelˈ intransitive verb

  1. To cycle with the rear wheel so disconnected
  2. (of a motor vehicle or its driver) to coast
  3. To move, act or live without restraint or concern (figurative)

freewheelˈing noun and adjective

free will noun

  1. Freedom of the will from restraint
  2. Freedom of choice
  3. The power of self-determination

freeˈ-will adjective

  1. Spontaneous
  2. Voluntary

freewoman see freeman above.

Free World noun

The collective name used of themselves by capitalist democratic countries esp during the Soviet era to differentiate themselves from communist states

feel free (informal)

To regard oneself as permitted

for free (informal)

Given without desire for payment or other return

free alongside ship

Delivered to the quayside free of charge, but exclusive of the cost of loading onto the ship (abbrev fas)

free and easy

  1. Unconstrained
  2. Cheerfully tolerant

free on board

Delivered on a vessel or other conveyance at no charge at all (abbrev fob)

free on rail

Delivered to a railway station and loaded onto a train free of charge (abbrev for)

it's a free country (informal)

There is no objection to or law against the carrying-out of whatever action has been proposed

make free with

  1. To be familiar with or take liberties with
  2. To help oneself liberally to

make so free as to

To venture to





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