

单词 phytobenthoses

phyt- /fīt-/ or phyto- /fī-tō-, -tə- or -to-/

combining form

Denoting plant

ORIGIN: Gr phyton plant

-phyte combining form

Used to indicate a plant belonging to a particular habitat, or of a particular type

-phytic /-fit-ik/ adj combining form

phytoalexˈin noun

(Gr alexein to ward off) any substance produced by a plant as a defence against disease

phytobenthos /-benˈthos/ noun

(Gr benthos depth) plants living at the bottom of water collectively

phytochemˈical noun

A chemical derived from a plant


Of chemicals in plants

phytochemˈistry noun

The chemistry of plant growth and metabolism and of plant products

phyˈtochrome noun

A plant pigment which absorbs red or infrared rays and has an important role in controlling growth, flowering, germination, etc

phytoestrogen /fī-tō-ēsˈtrə-jən/ noun

A plant substance similar to a weak oestrogen

phytoestrogenˈic adjective

phytogenˈesis or phytogeny /-tojˈi-ni/ noun

Evolution of plants

phytogenetˈic or phytogenetˈical adjective

Relating to phytogenesis

phytogenic /-jenˈik/ adjective

Of vegetable origin

phytogeogˈrapher noun

phytogeographˈic or phytogeographˈical adjective

phytogeogˈraphy noun

The geography of plant distribution

phytogˈrapher noun

A descriptive botanist

phytographˈic adjective

phytogˈraphy noun

Descriptive botany

phytohorˈmone noun

A plant hormone, regulating growth, etc

Phytolaccˈa noun

The pokeweed genus, giving name to the family Phytolaccāˈceae, related to the pinks and the goosefoots

phytologˈical adjective

phytolˈogist noun

A botanist

phytolˈogy noun


phyˈton noun

The smallest part of a plant that when cut off may grow into a new plant

phytonadione /fī-tō-nə-dīˈōn/ noun

Phylloquinone, vitamin K1

phytonūˈtrient noun

Any of various organic substances derived from plants that are believed to have health-giving properties

phytopathologˈical adjective

phytopatholˈogist noun

phytopatholˈogy noun

(Gr pathos suffering) the study of plant diseases

phytophagic /-fajˈik/ or phytophagous /-tofˈə-gəs/ adjective

(Gr phagein to eat) plant-eating

phytoplankˈton noun

(Gr plankton (neuter) wandering) vegetable plankton

phytoremediāˈtion noun

The use of plants to decontaminate soil by absorbing pollutants such as heavy metals

phytoˈsis noun

The presence of vegetable parasites or disease caused by them

phytosterol /-tosˈtə-rol/ noun

(formed on the model of cholesterol) a substance very like cholesterol obtained from plants

phytotˈomist noun

phytotomy /-totˈə-mi/ noun

(see -tomy) plant anatomy

phytotoxˈic adjective

  1. Poisonous to plants
  2. Relating to a phytotoxin

phytotoxicˈity noun

Harmfulness to plants

phytotoxˈin noun

  1. A toxin produced by a plant
  2. A substance toxic to plants

phytotron /fīˈtō-tron/ noun

An apparatus that produces climates artificially for the study of plant growth





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