

单词 primicere
释义 primicere Obs. rare—1.
[ME. prymycere, a. obs. F. premicere, mod.F. primicier, princier), ad. late L. prīmicēri-us the first among those holding a similar office (lit. the first of those whose names are inscribed on the wax-coated tablets, f. prīmus first + cēra wax), in med.L. a precentor; also explained as ‘the first candle-bearer before a bishop’ (Du Cange).]
Applied fig. to Lucifer, the morning star.
[1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xix. lxi. (1495) 898 They that serue in chyrches of wexe candyls ben callyd Ceroferarii: as he that seruyth in halles of kynges and of bysshops ben callyd Primecerii.]a1412Lydg. Two Merch. 685 Eek Lucifer, at morowhil prymycere, By nyht hym hidith vndir our empeere.




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