

单词 detriment
释义 I. detriment, n.|ˈdɛtrɪmənt|
Also 5–6 detryment.
[a. F. détriment (1236 in Hatzf.-Darm.), ad. L. dētrīmentum loss, damage, detriment, f. dēterĕre (dētrīvi, dētrīt-) to wear away, impair.]
1. Loss or damage done or caused to, or sustained by, any person or thing.
a1440Found. St. Bartholomew's 24 Dumme he was know..berynge heuyly the detrimente of his tonge.1529Act 21 Hen. VIII, c. 16. §11 To the great Detriment of our own natural Subjects.1533Elyot Cast. Helthe ii. iii. (1539) 17 a, Nature shulde systeyne treble detriment.1542Boorde Dyetary vii. (1870) 243 Yf he..lese hym selfe, and bryng hym selfe to a detryment.1548W. Stanford King's Prerog. v. (1567) 25 b, Note that sometymes the king is to take a detriment by the liuere with y⊇ particion.1616R. C. Times' Whistle iii. 1032 Thinkst thou Peeters chaire..Can free thee from eternall detriment?1663Butler Hud. i. ii. 929 Sole author of all Detriment He and his Fiddle underwent.1756–7tr. Keysler's Trav. (1760) III. 419 Lest any detriment might accrue to the heirs.1859Mill Liberty iii. (1865) 40/1 The luxury of doing as they like without detriment to their estimation.1875Lyell Princ. Geol. II. iii. xl. 393 [Seeds] may be carried without detriment through climates where the plants themselves would instantly perish.
b. That which causes or embodies a loss; something detrimental.
1504W. Atkynson tr. De Imitatione i. iv, Those thynges that be the hurt of theyr owne soules & the detriment of theyr neyghboure.1548Ld. Somerset Epist. Scots B vj b, This forein helpe is your confusion, that succour is your detriment.1664Evelyn Kal. Hort. (1729) 187 Some of them must of Necessity be neglected..which is the greatest Detriment to this Mystery.1855H. Martineau Autobiog. I. 400 Their advocacy of Woman's cause becomes mere detriment.
2. Astrol. The position or condition of a planet when in the sign opposite its house; a condition of weakness or distress.
1632Massinger City Madam ii. ii, Saturn out of all dignities, in his detriment and fall, combust.1660H. More Myst. Godliness vii. xv. 342 Saturn, Jupiter and Mars from their conjunction to their opposition with the Sun are Oriental, and gain two fortitudes; but from their Opposition to their Conjunction are Occidental, and incur two detriments.
3. Her. Eclipse (of sun or moon); also, the invisible phase of the moon at her change.
1610[see decrement 1 c].1610J. Guillim Heraldry iii. iii. (1660) 112 He beareth, Argent, a Moon in her detriment or Eclipse, Sable.1688R. Holme Armoury ii. 22/1 This is..a Moon in her detriment or Eclipse.1839Bailey Festus (1872) 121 Nor moon's dim detriment.
4. pl. The name of certain small charges made by colleges and similar societies upon their members.
The ‘detriments’ at Cambridge corresponded to the ‘decrements’ at Oxford, and appear to have been originally deductions from the stipends of foundation members on account of small extras for the table, etc., not included in their statutory or customary commons; the charge was afterwards extended to all members and students of the colleges. See Fowler Hist. C.C.C. (O.H.S.) 354.
1670Eachard Cont. Clergy 20 A solemn admission, and a formal paying of Colledge-Detriments.1686Kenyon MSS. in 14th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. iv. 185 His bill of June 24 [16]85 {pstlg}11:09:11. His detriments, De. to June 24 [16]86 {pstlg}02:17:03½.1705Order-bk. of Christ's Coll. Camb. (MS.) 6 Nov., The Schollars to be eased in their detriments from 1 June to 1 November. We'll think of a Method in the meantime.
5. pl. Ruins (of buildings).
1632Lithgow Trav. v. 200 The stony heapes of Jericho, the detriments of Thebes, the relicts of Tyrus.Ibid. ix. 402 We came..to the detriments of Messina.
II. ˈdetriment, v.
[f. prec. n.]
trans. To cause loss or damage to; to damage, injure, hurt.
1621W. Sclater Tythes (1623) 226 His losse of reserued time, already so detrimented in his hallowed substance.1659Fuller App. Inj. Innoc. i. 7 That others might be detrimented thereby.1678Marvell Growth Popery 35 Upon the Ballance of the French Trade, this Nation was detrimented yearly 900000l. or a Million.1743Lond. & Country Brew. ii. (ed. 2) 112 This ill forceable usage..clogs and detriments the fine penetrating Particles.1841D'Israeli Amen. Lit. (1867) 122 The disuse of the French would detriment their intercourse abroad.




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