

单词 conveyance
释义 I. conveyance|kənˈveɪəns|
[f. convey v.1 + -ance.]
I. The action or process of conveying.
1. Convoying, escorting, or conducting; conduct. Obs.
1503–4Act 19 Hen. VII, c. 27 Preamb., For sure conveyaunce of the Marchaundises to the seid Staple at Cales.1604Shakes. Oth. i. iii. 286 To his conueyance I assigne my wife.
2. The action of carrying or transporting; the carriage of persons or goods from one place to another. (Formerly used more widely.)
c1520Mem. Ripon (Surtees) III. 206 Pro vjxx fawdom long lyne for the convaans of the schryne.1538Starkey England i. iii. 93 For ther ys convehauns of many thyngys necessary to the use of our pepul.1568Grafton Chron. II. 302 For the conveyaunce and bringing over of the French king, and his other Prisoners into England.1751Smollett Per. Pic. (1779) IV. cv. 350 Peregrine was forcibly separated from his charmer during the conveyance.1791Cowper Odyss. viii. 190 Desirous only of conveyance home.1870in Anderson Missions Amer. Bd. IV. xlv. 462 Postal arrangements for the conveyance of money, as well as letters.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) III. 673 In sailing or any other mode of conveyance which is not fatiguing.
b. with subjective genitive. Obs.
a1533Ld. Berners Huon cxx. 427 When..Huon was in his bedde he lay and studyed of the conuayaunce of the Gryffon [i.e. the griffin's carrying of men].
c. The carrying of a communication. Obs.
1608Bp. Hall Char. Virtues & V. ii. 117 Even in absence hee extolleth his patron, where hee may presume of safe conveiance to his eares.1614Epist. i. ix. Recoll. Treat. 413 Gods strange conveyance of this offer to mee.
3. Carrying away, removal, riddance. Obs.
1567J. Maplet Gr. Forest 90 The best riddance or conueiaunce that they haue of such discommodities.1594Shakes. Rich. III, iv. iv. 283 Thou..Mad'st quicke conveyance with her good Aunt Anne.1665Sir T. Roe's Voy. E. India 394 A very cleanly conveyance for Parents to be rid of their unruly Children. [With word-play on sense 11 b.]
4. Furtive or light-fingered carrying off; stealing. (Sometimes associated with sleight of hand or jugglery: see sense 11 b.)
1526Skelton Magnyf. 500 Cr. Con. What, Counterfet Countenance! C. Count. What, Crafty Conveyance!1596Harington Metam. Ajax (1814) 63 A certain gentleman..stole a piece of plate..at a banquet; the conveyance was not so cleanly but one had spied it.c1605Rowley Birth Merl. iv. i, Ha, cleanly conveyance again! ye have no invisible fingers, have ye? 'Tis gone certainly.1779–81Johnson L.P., Smith Wks. II. 465 The simile..is stolen from Cowley, however little worth the labour of conveyance.
5. The communicating or imparting (of a thing to any one).
1662Stillingfl. Orig. Sacr. ii. i. §1 The matter to be believed should have a certain uniform conveyance to mens minds.1737Waterland Eucharist 367 If the putting on Christ carries with it a Conveyance of the Holy Spirit.1784Cowper Task ii. 561 Ghostly counsel, if it..be dishonour'd in th' exterior form and mode of its conveyance.a1853Robertson Serm. Ser. iv. v. (1876) 69 Absolution is the conveyance to the conscience of the conviction of forgiveness.
6. Transmission, transference, handing from one to another.
1646J. Gregory Notes & Obs. (1652) 121 This body of Adam was embalmed and transmitted from Father to Son by a Reverend and Religious way of conveighance.1662Stillingfl. Orig. Sacr. i. vi. §5 In those things which had no certain conveyance to posterity.1850Gladstone Glean. V. xlviii. 202 It is expressly affirmed..to be valid in very deed as to the conveyance of the episcopal character.
7. Law. The transference of property (esp. real property) from one person to another by any lawful act (in modern use only by deed or writing between living persons).
1523Fitzherb. Surv. Prol., If the owner make a true pee degre or conueyaunce by discente or by purchace vnto the said landes or lordshippes.1571Act 13 Eliz. c. 5 Covenous and fraudulent..conveyaunces..as well of landes and tenementes as of goodes and catals.1598B. Jonson Ev. Man. in Hum. v. iii, Master Wellbred might make a coveiance of mistris Bridget to my yong master.1628Digby Voy. Medit. Pref. (1868) 9 The law upheld the conveyance to uses which he had made.1653Milton Hirelings (1659) 66 Where did he assigne it [tithe] or by what evident conveyance to ministers?1712Arbuthnot John Bull (1755) 48 He has the original deed of conveyance to the fortunate islands.1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) V. 130 A fine being considered as a common assurance or conveyance of real property.1863Fawcett Pol. Econ. ii. xi. 209 The conveyance of land in England is most cumbrous and costly.
b. The written instrument or document by which this transference is effected.
1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 240 Your father left you nothing either by deede of gift, testament, or any other conveyance.1589Pappe w. Hatchet 31 These Martins make the Scriptures a Scriueners-shop to drawe conueyances.1602Shakes. Ham. v. i. 119 The very conueyances of his Lands will hardly lye in this Boxe.1626Sir S. D'Ewes Jrnls. (1783) 35 All particulars to bee inserted into the marriage-conveyance.1679–88Secr. Serv. Money Chas. & Jas. (Camden) 65 To Daniel Storer, for copying and ingrossing the conveyances made by Sir Wm Poultney and others of the ground and houses bought by his said late Majesty to enlarge St. James Parke.1767Blackstone Comm. II. 309 [Deeds] used in the alienation of real estates..are commonly denominated conveyances.1877Dowden Shaks. Primer ii. 26 His brother Gilbert received the conveyance for him.Mod. (Indorsement of purchase-deed or draft), Conveyance of messuage and hereditaments at Stoke in the county of X.
8. The conveying or conducting of running water, air, heat, electricity, or the like, by a suitable channel or medium.
1577B. Googe Heresbach's Husb. ii. (1586) 49 b, Conveiance by Condit or pumpe, or running streame.1630R. Johnson's Kingd. & Commw. 125 Disposing Veines and Arteries throughout the bodie, for their apt conveyance of the bloud and spirit.1704Swift T. Tub Introd., If it be upon its decay, it is the better..for Conveyance of sound.1794S. Williams Vermont 176 An aperture..at the top, for the conveyance of smoke.1840Lardner Geom. 144 Pipes for the conveyance of gas, water, or other fluid.1871B. Stewart Heat §403 There will be a conveyance of heat from the first to the second.
attrib.1860Tyndall Glaciers i. 9 By suddenly stopping a cock from which water flows you may burst the conveyance pipe.
9. The conveying of meaning by words; expression, or clothing of thought in language; disposition of material in a poem, etc. Hence,
b. Manner of expressing thought, form of expression or utterance, style. Obs.
1515Barclay Egloges iv. (1570) c. iv./2 Mercury geueth to Poetes laureate Goodly conueyaunce, speeche pleasaunt and ornate.1543Grafton Contn. Harding 519 Howbeit concernyng that opinion menne maye see the conueighaunce therof in the type of..Henry the Seuenth.1551Robinson tr. More's Utop. (Arb.) 14 Y⊇ wittie inuencion and fine conueiaunce or disposition of ye matter.1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 342 The conveyaunce of his matter is manifest and perceivable.1586A. Day Eng. Secretary ii. (1625) 52 This Invective..howbeit both termes and conveiance are somewhat hard, yet is it in such cases very tolerable.1592Greene Art Conny Catch. ii. Pref. 3, I shewed no elegant phrases, nor fine figuratiue conueyance in my first booke.1601R. Johnson Kingd. & Commw. (1603) A b, The imperfections in the harsh composure and conveyance of the stile.1625tr. Gonsalvio's Sp. Inquis. 197 The profound learning that was in him, as also his singular art for conueiance.1703J. Kirkton Hist. J. Welsh (1845) 7 No man could forbear weeping, his conveyance was so affecting.1775Johnson Tax. no Tyr. 79 The soft conveyance of a female patriot bewailing the miseries of her..fellow-citizens.
c. with pl. An expression. Obs.
1586A. Day Eng. Secretary i. (1625) 12 By divers Epithites, and fine conveiances.
10. Carrying on, conduct, management (of an affair); carrying out, execution. Also in Mus., Execution. Obs.
1572R. H. tr. Lauaterus' Ghostes (1596) 27 [She] declared the slie conveiance of this horrible deed unto her husband.1587Golding De Mornay xi. 150 By the orderly conueyance of things which he seeth both aboue and beneath; by the order which they keepe without fayling.1597Morley Introd. Mus. 150 One with a quicke hand playing vpon an instrument..will by the hast of his conueiance cloke manie faultes.1607Dekker Northw. Hoe v. i. Wks. 1873 III. 63 My reuenge will haue a more neat and vnexpected conueyance.a1652Brome Mad Couple iv. ii. Wks. 1873 I. 69 Full directions for the conveyance of our designe.
11. Manner of managing or conducting; skilful management, skill; generalship. Obs.
1526Frith Disput. Purgat. 173 Since such a patron, so greatly recommended for his conveyance and wisdom, handleth this matter.1586T. B. La Primaud. Fr. Acad. i. Ep. Ded., In..the world, there is most excellent conveiance without confusion.1600Dr. Dodypoll ii. i. in Bullen O. Pl. III. 110 Marke the conveiance of this lovelie hand.1604Edmonds Observ. Cæsar's Comm. 53 Neither is a Commaunder the lesse valued for fine conueyance in militarie proiects.
b. esp. Cunning management or contrivance; underhand dealing, jugglery, sleight of hand. Obs.
1531Elyot Gov. i. xxvi, If they be taken with any crafty conueiaunce.1547J. Harrison Exhort. Scottes 211 In an euill cause, muche arte and conueyaunce must be vsed, afore it can appere good.1565Jewel Def. Apol. (1611) 281 Miracles be wrought..sometime by the conueiance of the Diuell.1591Shakes. 1 Hen. VI, i. iii. 2, I am come to suruey the Tower this day; Since Henries death, I feare there is Conueyance.1608Day Law Trickes iv. iii, The deepest wit could not haue bettered Our smooth conueyance.1615J. Stephens Satyr. Ess. (ed. 2) 278 He hath a sleight of hand, or cleanly conveiance, which threaten silver spoones.1625W. Pemble Justification (1629) 34 Arminius..vsed much closenesse & cunning conveyance.1642Milton Apol. Smect. (1851) 289 The dexterity and conveiance of his nonsense.a1704T. Brown Praise Poverty Wks. 1730 I. 93 The legerdemain must be clean and the conveyance impenetrable to the eye of the people.
c. (with a and pl.) A secret or cunning device, an artifice, a trick of jugglery. Obs.
1534M. Basset tr. More's Treat. on Passion Wks. 1397/1 Youre subtyle conueyghaunces.1565Jewel Repl. Harding (1611) 43 That..is another conueiance, to blinde thy sight.1565–78Cooper Thesaurus, Pilarius..A juggler that playeth his conueighances with little round balles.1592Nashe P. Penilesse (ed. 2) 30 a, All Italionate conueyances, as to kill a man, and then mourne for him.1627–77Feltham Resolves ii. lxviii. 303 They are deterr'd from poor and skulking conveyances.1641Milton Animadv. (1851) 205 A pretty slip-skin conveyance!
d. concr. An ingenious device, a contrivance.
1596Harington Metam. Ajax, The deviser of this rare conveyance.1611Coryat Crudities 207 Sundry little pieces of..marble in checker-work, and other most exquisite conveyances.Ibid. 455 A very large spheare beautified with many cunning conueighances and withe inuentions.
II. A way or means of conveying.
12. A conducting way, passage, or channel.
a. A way of commmunication, a passage. Sometimes, a private or secret passage. Also fig.
1542in Harl. Misc. (Malh.) I. 237 Our enemye, knowynge the places and conueighaunces of the countrees.1600Surflet Countrie Farme vii. xxxix. 867 [Badgers] holes are deepe and narrowe..consisting of many conueiances and passages.a1639W. Whately Prototypes ii. xxxi. (1640) 156 To keepe..this window as it were of the soule, to be master of this conveighance, by which so much comes in and goes out of the soule.1642R. Carpenter Experience iv. p. vii, Scarce a House..which they have not fitted with private doores and conveyances.1691tr. Emilianne's Obs. Journ. Naples 173 Stopping up the Conveyance they had made under their Walls.
b. A channel for conveying water, steam, smoke, electricity, etc.
1577B. Googe Heresbach's Husb. ii. (1586) 109 For conveighances of water, the Alder..and the Pitche Tree, are best made in Pipes.1607Shakes. Cor. v. i. 54 These Pipes and these Conueyances of our blood.1615G. Sandys Trav. 125 Vnder the mouthes of the vpper ouens are conueyances for smoke.1659J. Leak Waterwks 26 There must be 3 conveiances for the wind.1710T. Fuller Pharm. Extemp. 300 A free circulation through the minutist Conveyances of the Humane Machine.1793Smeaton Edystone L. §308 If struck with lightning, it would thus far be a sufficient conveyance; then joining the kitchen grate to the leaden sink by a metal conveyance.
c. A conducting pipe in an organ; see quots.
1840Penny Cycl. XVI. 492 One of the front pipes, to which the wind is conveyed by metal tubes called conveyances.1876J. Hiles Catech. Organ v. (1878) 40 The pipes in the front of the case [of an organ]..are supplied with wind from the wind-chest by means of pipes of metal, tin, or wood, called conveyances, which carry the wind from the sound⁓board to those pipes at a distance.
13. A means of transport from place to place, a carriage, a vehicle: now, esp. applied to anything used to convey persons as passengers, e.g. any kind of private or public vehicle, a railway carriage, a boat, ship, etc. Formerly applicable also to a beast of burden: cf. carriage.
1598Shakes. Merry W. iii. iii. 135 Your husband's heere at hand, bethinke you of some conueyance: in the house you cannot hide him.1649Sir E. Nicholas in N. Papers (Camden) 126 The last letters you sent were by Mr. Hardings conveyance.1702R. Nelson in Pepys' Diary VI. 256 The conveniency of public conveyances.1776Adam Smith W.N. iv. i. (1869) II. 312 Mules are the only conveyance which can safely be trusted.1825C. Wordsworth Let. in Overton Life (1888) 31 We start by the first conveyance, the night coach, for London.1830Disraeli Home Lett. I. 2 The steam packet is a beastly conveyance.1850Lyell 2nd Visit U.S. II. 320 It must have been transferred to three distinct conveyances, including two railways.
14. fig. A means or medium for communicating; an organ or channel of communication; a ‘vehicle’ (of thought, etc.). Obs.
1548Hall Chron. 11 There lacked only an orgaine and conveighance bothe how secretly to serche and knowe the myndes of the nobilitee.1597Hooker Eccl. Pol. v. lxvii. 4 Should serve as..conveyances of his body and blood unto them.a1711Ken Divine Love Wks. (1838) 318 Thou..art the Author and Fountain of grace, and thou only hast the right of instituting the conveyances of thy own grace.1715Bentley Serm. x. 348 And the Apostles to speak more authenticly in that conveyance [Latin] than in their own Words.1841Myers Cath. Th. iii. §6. 21 Our Lord did not use His Apostles as mere mechanical conveyances of Truth.
III. attrib., as conveyance-stamp, conveyance-pipe (7 b, 8).
1845McCulloch Taxation ii. vi. §3 The conveyance stamp on a sale is fixed at 10s. per cent.
II. conˈveyance, v.
Usually in pa. pple. conˈveyanced: see quot., and cf. conveyance n. 12 c.
1874J. T. Micklethwaite Mod. Parish Ch. 73 The larger pipes do not suffer..from being brought forward, or conveyanced off, as the organ-builder terms it.1876J. Hiles Catech. Organ v. (1878) 40 Pipes of metal, tin, or wood, called conveyances, which carry the wind from the sound-board to those pipes at a distance; and which are thus said to be ‘conveyanced off’.




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