释义 |
▪ I. device|dɪˈvaɪs| Forms: 3–5 deuis, 4 Sc. deuiss, 4–5 deuys, Sc. dewis(e, -ys(s, -ice, -yce, 4–6 deuyse, diuis(e, dyuys(e, 4–7 deuise, devise, 5–6 deuyce, 6 Sc. devyiss, 6–7 divice, 5– device. [Here two original OF. and ME. words devis and devise have run together. The actual form device represents phonetically ME. devīs, devȳs, a. OF. devis masc., ‘division, partition, separation, difference, disposition, wish, desire, will’ (Godefroy); ‘speech, talke, discourse, a conference, or communication; deuising, conferring, or talking together; also, a deuice, inuention; disposition or appointment of’ (Cotgr.); in mod.F. ‘action of discoursing, conversation, talk, specification (of work to be done)’. But the form devise (when not a mere variant spelling of device: see below) represents OF. devise fem. ‘division, separation, difference, heraldic device, will, testament, plan, design, wish, desire, liking, opinion, conversation, conference, manner, quality, kind’ (Godefroy); ‘a deuice, posie, embleme, conceit, coat or cognizance borne; an inuention; a diuision; bound, meere, or marke diuiding land’ (Cotgr.); in mod.F. ‘action of dividing, that which divides or distinguishes, the motto of a shield, seal, etc., an adage’. The two French words correspond to Pr. devis, devisa, It. diviso, divisa, Romanic derivs. of dīvīs- ppl. stem of dīvīdĕre to divide: see devise v. The older word in ME. appears to have been devis, devys, but devise also appears from Caxton onward, and prob. earlier, at least in the phrase, to devise = F. à devise (sense 12). It is however very difficult to distinguish the two words, since devise, devyse occurs not only as the proper spelling of the repr. of OF. devise, but also, in northern and late ME., and in the 16th c., as a frequent spelling of ME. devis, mod. device. In rimes it is generally possible to separate devise = devis, device, from devise proper, but in other positions it is often impossible; nor does the sense give much help, because in OF. devis and devise partly coincided in meaning, while the English distinctions do not always agree with the French. In later times device gradually became the accepted form in all senses, except in that of ‘testamentary bequest’, which still remains devise, q.v. There is also some reason to think that in the 17th c. devises |-aɪzɪz| was, in the south of England, used in the plural, when device |-aɪs| was written or at least pronounced in the singular: cf. house sing., houses |-zɪz| pl. The sense-development had to a great extent taken place before the words were adopted in English, so that here the historical and logical orders do not agree.] 1. The action of devising, contriving, or planning; the faculty of devising, inventive faculty; invention, ingenuity. Now arch. and rare. (orig. devis).
c1400Rom. Rose 1413, I ne can the nombre telle Of stremes smale, that by devys Mirthe had don come through condys. 1513More Rich. III, Wks. 58 The deuise of some convenient pretext. 1563Shute Archit. B j b, A pillour of their owne deuise. 1568Bible (Bishops') Acts xvii. 29 Golde, siluer, or stone grauen by art and mans deuice. 1594Spenser Amoretti xxx, That fire, which all thing melts, should harden yse; And yse, which is congeald with sencelesse cold, Should kindle fyre by wonderful devyse! 1600Shakes. A.Y.L. i. i. 174 Hee's gentle..full of noble deuise. 1601Holland Pliny II. 459 As touching the deuise and inuention of mony. 1611Bible Eccles. ix. 10 There is no worke, nor deuice, nor knowledge, nor wisedome in the graue whither thou goest. 1634Sir T. Herbert Trav. 196 By device, tis so made to open, that [etc.]. 1858T. Parker Historic Americans (1871) 15 Much of our social machinery..is of his [Franklin's] device. b. The manner in which a thing is devised or framed; design. arch.
c1400Destr. Troy 1576 The sydes..of sotell deuyse. 1611Shakes. Cymb. i. vi. 189 'Tis Plate of rare deuice. 1810Scott Lady of L. i. xxvi, It was a lodge of ample size, But strange of structure and device. 1870Bryant Iliad I. v. 136 Who knew to shape all works of rare device. a1881Rossetti Rose Mary, A chiming shower of strange device. †c. A contrived shape or figure. Obs.
a1400–50Alexander 359 Þis grete god..In a dredfull deuys, a dragons forme. †2. Purpose, intention. Obs. (orig. devis).
c1320Sir Beues 1887 To sire Beues a smot therwith A sterne strok..Ac a failede of his diuis And in the heued smot Trenchefis. c1440Promp. Parv. 120 Devyce, purpose, seria. 1548Hall Chron. 75 b, When he had thus ordered his affaires accordyng to his device and ordre. 3. Will, pleasure, inclination, fancy, desire. In earlier use chiefly in phr. at one's (own) device [OF. à mon, ton, etc. devis]; later only in pl.; now only in phr. left to one's own devices, etc., where it is associated with sense 6. (orig devis).
a1300Cursor M. 11576 (Cott.) Þat he ne suld rise, Al at his aun deuise. 1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 11786 Hyt ys sloghenes and feyntes To take penaunce at þy dyuys. c1450Crt. of Love xii, No sapphire of Inde, no ruby rich of price There lacked than..ne thing to my devise. 1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. cccxcviii. 691 They..toke a place of grounde at their deuyse, abyding their enemyes. 1552Bk. Com. Prayer Gen. Conf., We haue folowed to much the deuyses [ed. 1607 devices] and desyres of our owne heartes. 1599Sandys Europæ Spec. (1632) 38 Loosing and knitting marriages, by devise at pleasure. 1611Bible Jer. xviii. 12 We will walk after our own deuices. 1648Milton Ps. lxxxi. 52 Their own conceits they follow'd still, Their own devises blind. 1870Mrs. H. Wood G. Canterbury's Will xv, What would you do, if left to your own devices? †b. Will or desire as expressed or conveyed to another; command, order, direction, appointment. Chiefly in phr. at (some one's) device. Obs. (Cf. devise v. 3.) (ME. devis; OF. devise.)
1307Elegy Edw. I iv, That hit he write at mi devys [rime pris]. c1325Coer de L. 1439 Lokes that ye doo be my devys. c1440Ipomydon 716 Full feyre he dyd his servyse, And servyd the quene at hyr devyse. c1470Henry Wallace viii. 1150 Scho graithit hir apon a gudlye wis, With gold and ger and folk at hir dewis. Ibid. x. 473 The Bruce askyt; ‘Will thow do my dewyss?’ 1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. cxlv. 173, I am natte determynedde to folowe his deuyse and ease [faire à sa devise ne à son aise]. 1535Stewart Cron. Scot. II. 396 God..At his devyiss all thing in erth is done. 1535Coverdale Dan. iv. 24 It is the very deuyce of him yt is hyest of all. †4. Opinion, notion; what one thinks about something. Sometimes it may mean ‘opinion offered, advice, counsel’. Obs. (In 15th c. devis and devise. OF. devise, opinion, sentiment.)
c1325E.E. Allit. P. A. 199 Bounden bene Wyth þe myryeste margarys at my deuyse þat euer I seȝ ȝet with myn yȝen. 1393Gower Conf. I. 278 As thou shalt here my devise, Thou might thy self the better avise. c1400Rom. Rose 651 For certes at my devys Ther is no place in Paradys So good. c1420Sir Amadace (Camden) xxix, Thenne iche mon sayd thayre deuise. c1430Lydg. Hors, Shepe, & G. 86 Pees to profyr, as to my Devyce, Makythe no delaye. c1435Torr. Portugal 779 Now wolle ye telle me your devyce, That how I may govern me? c1450St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 2698 As a woman war vnwyse Þus sho spird him hir deuyse. 1568Grafton Chron. II. 395 When the Duke of Norffolk had heard fully his device, he tooke it not in good parte. 15942nd Pt. Contention (1843) 125, I prethe Dicke let me heare thy deuise. †5. Familiar conversation, talk, chat. Obs. [OF. and mod.F. devise.]
c1489Caxton Blanchardyn xli. 153 Blanchardyn..talked wyth the kynge..his fader And as they were thus in deuyses [etc.]. c1500Melusine lix. 348 After many playsaunt deuyses and joyfull wordes, they wesshed theire handes and sette them at dyner. 1581G. Pettie Guazzo's Civ. Conv. iii. (1586) 127 To entertaine them with familiar device, as the fashion in Fraunce and other places is. 1600–10in Shaks. C. Praise 40 What for your businesse, news, device, foolerie and libertie, I never dealt better since I was a man. 6. Something devised or contrived for bringing about some end or result; an arrangement, plan, scheme, project, contrivance; an ingenious or clever expedient; often one of an underhand or evil character; a plot, stratagem, trick.
c1290S. Eng. Leg. I. 381/156 ‘Sire,’ he seide, ‘mi deuis þou schalt here i-seo: þe halle ichulle furst arere.’ 1494Fabyan Chron. vii. 358 All was done according to theyr former deuyse. 1535Coverdale Ps. xxi. 11 They..ymagined soch deuyces, as they were not able to perfourme. 1548Hall Chron. 12 This devise so much pleased the sedicious congregation. Ibid. 48 b, This device of fortifying an armye was at this tyme fyrst invented. Ibid. 158 b, To set open the fludde gates of these devises. 1553T. Wilson Rhet. 7 His pollicies and wittie devises in behove of the publique weal. 1568Bible (Bishops') 2 Cor. ii. 11 We are not ignorant of his deuises [1611 deuices]. 1601Shakes. Twel. N. ii. iii. 176 Excellent, I smell a deuice. 1603Knolles Hist. Turks (1638) 140 The Captaine..declared to him his whole deuise. 1782Priestley Corrupt. Chr. I. i. 104 By this happy device..[they] screen themselves. 1843Macaulay Lays Anc. Rome Pref. (1864) 25 The device by which Elfleda was substituted for her young mistress. 7. concr. The result of contriving; something devised or framed by art or inventive power; an invention, contrivance; esp. a mechanical contrivance (usually of a simple character) for some particular purpose.
c1325E.E. Allit. P. A. 139, I hoped þe water were a deuyse Bytwene myrþez by merez made. 1570Dee Math. Pref. 35 He alone, with his deuises and engynes..spoyled and discomfited the whole Army. 1577B. Googe Heresbach's Husb. i. (1586) 41 b, The devise was, a lowe kinde of Carre with a couple of wheeles, and the Front armed with sharpe Syckles, which forced by the beast through the Corne, did cut downe al before it. 1665Sir T. Herbert Trav. (1677) 120 To remedy which they have devices like Turrets upon the tops of their Chimneys to suck in the air for refreshment. 1874Knight Dict. Mech. I. 218/1 The devices for baling cut hay. 1884[See devil n. 8]. b. Used of things non-material.
1529More Supplic. Soulys Wks. 326/2 This exposicion is nether our deuise nor ani new founden fantasy, but a very trueth well perceiued. 1587Golding De Mornay Ep. Ded. 5 It is not a deuise of man as other Religions are. 1614Bp. Hall Recoll. Treat. Ep. Ded. A iij, It was a mad conceit..That an huge Giant beares up the earth..If by this devise he had meant onely an Embleme of Kings. 8. Something artistically devised or framed; a fancifully conceived design or figure.
1399Langl. Rich. Redeles iii. 178 In quentise of clothinge ffor to queme sir pride..and iche day a newe deuyse, it dulleth my wittis. 1465Mann. & Househ. Exp. 490 My master bout of Arnold gooldsmythe a dyvyse of goold for mastres Margret. 1555Eden Decades 159 Curiously buylded with many pleasaunt diuises. 1665Sir T. Herbert Trav. (1677) 119 The glass..curiously painted with such knots and devices as the Jews usually make for ornament. 1821Craig Lect. Drawing i. 21 A practice of painting, in curious devices and figures, the coffins destined for the dead. 1879H. Phillips Notes Coins 1 The most modern [coins] present complicated and intricate devices. 9. spec. An emblematic figure or design, esp. one borne or adopted by a particular person, family, etc., as a heraldic bearing, a cognizance, etc.: usually accompanied by a motto.
c1350Will. Palerne 3222 Þat i haue a god schel[d]..& wel & faire wiþ-inne a werwolf depeynted..þe quen þan dede comaunde to crafti men i-nowe, þat deuis him were diȝt er þat day eue. c1385Chaucer L.G.W. 1272 Dido, And beryn in hise devysis for hire sake, N'ot I nat what. 1489Caxton Faytes of A. iv. xv. 276 They take armes att theyre owne wylle and suche a deuyse as them plaiseth, wherof som grownde..the same upon theyre name. 1581G. Pettie Guazzo's Civ. Conv. ii. (1586) 108 b, A Carcanet of golde..whereon..is bravelie set forth the devise or armes of the Academie. 1602Marston Ant. & Mel. v. Wks. 1856 I. 55, I did send for you to drawe me a devise, an Imprezza, by Sinecdoche a Mott. I wold haue you paint me for my device a good fat legge of ewe mutton. 1608Shakes. Per. ii. ii. 19 The deuice he beares vpon his shield Is a blacke Ethyope, reaching at the sunne. The word, Lux tua vita mihi. 1651Hobbes Leviath. i. x. 45 Shields painted with such Devises as they pleased. 1790Pennant London 116 (R.) With the hart couchant under a tree, and other devices of Richard II. 1862Burton Bk. Hunter (1863) 63 The devices or trade emblems of special favourites among the old printers. b. A motto or legend borne with or in place of such a design.
1724Swift Drapier's Lett. vi, I observed the device upon his coach to be Libertas et natale solum. 1759Robertson Hist. Scot. vii. (an. 1587), Repeating..sentences which she borrowed from some of the devices then in vogue: aut fer, aut feri [etc.]. 1851Longfellow ‘Excelsior’, A banner with the strange device, ‘Excelsior!’ 10. A fanciful, ingenious, or witty writing or expression, a ‘conceit’. Obs. or arch.
1576Gascoigne Notes making of verse §1 in Steele Gl. (Arb.) 31 By this aliquid salis, I meane some good and fine deuise, shewing the quicke capacitie of a writer. 1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 342 In versifying..his devises are not darkened with mystie cloudes..the conveiaunce of his matter is manifest. 1645Kingdom's Weekly Post 16 Dec. 76 This is the man who would have his device alwayes in his sermons, which in Oxford they then called conundrums. 1768Beattie Minstr. i. lii, Ballad, jest, and riddle's quaint device. 1834Medwin Angler in Wales II. 193 Some droll and merry device. 11. Something devised or fancifully invented for dramatic representation; ‘a mask played by private persons,’ or the like. arch. or Obs.
1588Shakes. L.L.L. v. ii. 669 But I will forward with my deuice. 1590― Mids. N. v. i. 50 The riot of the tipsie Bachanals..That is an old deuice, and it was plaid When I from Thebes came last. 1607― Timon i. ii. 155 You haue..entertain'd me with mine owne deuice. 1635Shirley Coronat. (T.) Masques and devices, welcome! 1789Burney Hist. Mus. III. iv. 273 Baltazar de Beaujoyeux..having published an account of his devises in a book. 1812Byron Ch. Har. i. lxvii, Devices quaint, and frolics ever new. †12. Phrases. at device, to device [OF. à devis, à devise]: at or to one's liking or wish; perfectly, completely, entirely, certainly. at all device, in all respects, completely, entirely (cf. point-device) Obs.
1375Barbour Bruce iv. 264 For mynerfe ay wes wont to serfe Hym fullely at all deuiss. Ibid. xi. 348 The king..wes vicht and viss And richt vorthy at all deuiss. c1375Sc. Leg. Saints, Clemens 628 Clement..empleysit wele in godis serwice In althinge, at al dewise. c1385Chaucer L.G.W. 1206 Dido (Tanner), Up on a courser..Sit Eneas lik phebus to deuyse So was he freish arayed in his wise. a1420Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 404 He is a noble prechour at device. c1450Mirour Saluacioun 4141 With thire Armures this knyght faght so wele at devis. c1475Partenay 479 A litel his colour cam, vnto deuise. c1500Melusine xxi. 126 He is moche fayre & wel shapen of membres, & hath a face to deuyse, except that one of his eyen is hyer sette than the other is. 1513Douglas æneis x. ix. 85 The Troiane prynce..with his brand hym brytnys at devys, In maner of ane offerand sacryfys.
Add:[7.] c. Orig., a detonating mechanism for an explosive; in extended use, any explosive or incendiary apparatus; spec. a nuclear bomb (in full, and more usually, nuclear device: see nuclear a. 3 b.).
1931Munro & Tiffany Physical Testing Explosives 2 Manufacturers' samples of permissible explosives or blasting devices... The manufacturer is required to proceed according to the schedule governing application for tests of a new explosion or a new blasting device. 1945Newsweek 4 June 90 British fighter pilots ran into a new German weapon..a small glider with a bomb for a body. Directed by remote control from a launching plane, the device assumed attack position and hurtled itself at the target, where it exploded. 1954Life 19 Apr. 21/1 Instead of a black and white shadow of the explosion, viewers saw in glaring redness the bulging fireball of the hydrogen device which vaporized Elugelab Island at Eniwetok on Nov. 1, 1952. 1957Wall St. Jrnl. 25 Jan. 1/3 Only low-yield nuclear tests will be conducted at the Frenchman's Flat Proving Ground... The announcement added high-yield devices (hydrogen bombs) are never tested in Nevada. 1969N.Y. Times 11 Nov. 1/7 The explosives, described by the Fire Department as devices ‘that could cause extensive damage’, injured at least one person. 1972Sci. Amer. Dec. 13/3 China exploded a fission device in 1964 and a fusion device in 1967, and it has tested several hydrogen bombs since that date. 1973New Yorker 13 Dec. 58/3 The word ‘bomb’ was almost never used [ at Los Alamos]. A bomb was a ‘device’ or a ‘gadget’. 1978Kobetz & Cooper Target Terrorism 97 Car bombings can be very spectacular and especially frightening. The device is often constructed so as to explode when certain action..is taken. 1981Washington Post 3 Jan. a1/2 After sprinkling them with an unidentified liquid, an explosive charge was put on top of the human pile. The device detonated as planned. 1990A. Beevor Inside Brit. Army (1991) xxiii. 377 The British sappers alone had dealt with over 600,000 mines, unexploded ordnance and other devices by mid-March.
▸ In a fictional work: a character, event, narrative technique, etc., used in order to bring about a desired effect or to advance the plot. Freq. with distinguishing word, as literary device, narrative device, plot device, etc.
1840Southern Lit. Messenger 6 656/1 The writer..would beguile, amuse, or teach his contemporaries by some winning literary device. 1886Overland Monthly Mar. 322/2 It is a religious satire, after the model of Gulliver's Travels, as far as the narrative device goes. 1911Times 2 Feb. 10/4 The bet which ‘Kingsearl Major’ makes that he will kiss Miss Hobbs within a month is a fairly familiar stage device. 1945PMLA 60 229 Having used a plot device or situation before, he saw what appeared a better opportunity for using it. 1963D. MacDonald Against Amer. Grain 90 Describing boyhood trivia in inflated language is, or was, a reliable comic device. 1984J. Barnes Flaubert's Parrot v. 66 As for coincidences in books—there's something cheap and sentimental about the device. 2005Tulsa (Oklahoma) World (Nexis) 18 June a18 Metaphors have been a common literary and artistic device for thousands of years. ▪ II. device obs. form of devise v. and n. |