

单词 disadventure
释义 disadˈventure Obs.
[ME. disaventure, a. OF. desaventure, desadventure (in Godef.), f. des-, dis- 4 + aventure adventure n.]
Misadventure, mischance, mishap, misfortune.
c1374Chaucer Troylus ii. 366 (415) If I, thurgh my disaventure, Had lovid other hym or Achilles.c1470Harding Chron. ii. ii, With streames to and fro, And tempestes greate, and sore disauenture.1577Fenton Gold. Epist. 214 It is accounted more to disaduenture than to sinne.1590Spenser F.Q. i. i. 45 For never knight, that dared warlike deed, More luckless disadventures did amate.1638Sir T. Herbert Trav. (ed. 2) 275 Barames a noble Persian by hap escaped, but not a second disadventure.




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