

单词 subsannate
释义 subˈsannate, v. Obs.
[f. late L. subsannāt-, pa. ppl. stem of subsannāre, f. sub- sub- 22 + sanna mocking grimace.]
trans. To deride, mock. Hence subsaˈnnation, mockery, derision; ˈsubsannator, a mocker; subˈsanne v. = subsannate.
1656Blount Glossogr., *Subsannate, to scorn or mock with bending the Brows, or snuffing up the nose.
1620J. King Serm. 24 Mar. 8 In scoffe and *subsannation of some Idoll-god.1664H. More Myst. Iniq. 231 Idolatry is as absolute a subsannation and vilification of God as malice could invent.
1517H. Watson Ship of Fools xli. K iiij, Of *subsannatoures, calomnyatours and detractoures.
a1619M. Fotherby Atheom. Pref. (1622) B j b, Who (like Sannioes) *subsanne all things, but onely their owne follies.




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