

单词 suitly
释义 I. ˈsuitly, a. Obs.
[f. suit n. + -ly1.]
= suitable 1, 2, 3.
1459Paston Lett. I. 477, j. pece of skarlot for trappars..with rede crossis and rosys. Item, ij. stripis of the same trappuris sutly.Ibid. 479 Item, iij. curtaynys sutely.Ibid. 480 Item, iij. clothis of grene and whyte, withe braunchis sutely to the other wreten before.1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 342/2 Frythes Prologue..is ryght sutely, and a verye mete couer for suche a cuppe.1595Southwell Mæoniæ 29 All pangs and heauie passions here may find A thousand motiues suitly to their griefes.
II. ˈsuitly, adv. Obs.
[f. suit n. + -ly2.]
Fittingly, suitably.
1388Wyclif 1 Kings vi. 18 Al the hows..hadde hise smethenessis, and hise ioynyngis maad suteli.1422Yonge tr. Secr. Secr. 209 Thow shalt sutely and besely auise the, whych of ham beste consaill yewyth to the.1533More Apol. xxxiii. Wks. 896/2 If this pacifier..wil say that we be not sewtly the temporalti and spiritualty of this realme.




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