

单词 rapture
释义 I. rapture, n.|ˈræptjʊə(r)|
Also 7 wrap-.
[f. rapt pa. pple. + -ure. Cf. capture.]
1. The act of seizing and carrying off as prey or plunder. Obs.
1608Shakes. Per. ii. i. 161 Spite of all the rapture of the sea, This jewel holds his building on my arm.c1611Chapman Iliad xxii. 271 Look how an eagle from her height Stoops to the rapture of a lamb.1639G. Daniel Ecclus. xliv. 6 Who did Realmes subdue..Were wise in Councell, and in Rapture strong.
2. The act of carrying, or fact of being carried, onwards; force of movement. Now rare.
1615Chapman Odyss. xiv. 428 Our Ship..'gainst a Rocke, or Flat, her Keele did dash With headlong rapture.1625N. Carpenter Geog. Del. ii. vi. (1635) 98 A receiued opinion amongst Philosophers..that the sea by the rapture of the heauens should be moued round..in a diurnall course.1667Milton P.L. vii. 299 Wave rowling after Wave, where way they found, If steep, with torrent rapture.1888Lowell Agassiz vi. i. 21 With the rapture of great winds to blow About earth's shaken coignes.
a. The act of carrying off a woman. Obs.
1600Dekker Fortunatus Wks. 1873 I. 151 That feare Which her late violent rapture cast upon her.1662J. Bargrave Pope Alex. VII (1867) 117 A flat piece of brass, with the rapture of Proserpine by a Centaure.1728Newton Chronol. Amended i. 114 Under which of the Kings happened the rapture of Europa.
b. = rape n.2 3. Obs. Also fig.
1615Chapman Odyss. xx. 485 My women servants dragg'd about my house To lust and rapture.1649G. Daniel Trinarch., Hen. V, cccxxix, Though the Representative committ Rapture vpon his heart, in well-drawne Smiles.
4. The act of conveying a person from one place to another, esp. to heaven; the fact of being so conveyed.
1647Ward Simp. Cobler 19 Horrid raptures downe to the lowest hell.1693J. Edwards Author. O. & N. Test. 193 Elias's rapture to heaven.1842Manning Serm. viii. (1848) 139 In the book of the prophet Ezekiel we read of his rapture to Tel-abib.1895A. Nutt Voy. Bran I. 273 note, The rapture of the hero, by the heroine, to the Underworld.
5. a. Transport of mind, mental exaltation or absorption, ecstasy; now esp. ecstatic delight or joy.
1629Milton Nativity 98 Such musick sweet..As all their souls in blisfull rapture took.1655Stanley Hist. Philos. iii. (1701) 86/1 His Contemplative Rapture at the same time was no less worthy Admiration.1717Lady M. W. Montagu Let. to C'tess Mar 18 Apr., Women always speak in rapture when they speak of beauty.1818M. W. Shelley Frankenst. iii. (1865) 58 The astonishment..soon gave place to delight and rapture.1863Geo. Eliot Romola ii. xxiv, He felt in that moment the rapture and glory of martyrdom without its agony.
b. With a and pl. An instance of this. (In mod. use the pl. is freq. in the phr. (to be) in, or (to go) into raptures.)
1605Drayton Bar. Wars iii. lviii, With such brave raptures from her words that rise, She made a breach in his impressive breast.1642Milton Apol. Smect. iii. Wks. (1851) 287 This man..sees truth as in a rapture, and cleaves to it.1738Wesley Hymns, ‘Again the kind revolving Year’ iv, If aught can there enhance their Bliss Or raise their Raptures higher.1760Goldsm. Cit. W. xi, He is instantly in raptures at so great an improvement.1862M. E. Braddon Lady Audley i, A place that strangers fell into raptures with.1866Geo. Eliot F. Holt (1868) 19 The mother's early raptures had lasted but a short time.
c. A state of passionate excitement; a paroxysm, fit. rare (now dial.).
1607Shakes. Cor. ii. i. 223 Your pratling Nurse Into a rapture lets her Baby crie.1634Sir T. Herbert Trav. 24 Then in rage and sudden rapture drew out his knife.1895W. C. Fraser Whaups of Durley xii, The laddies used to pit her into terrible raptures when they misca'ed her.
d. A strong fit or attack of (some emotion or mental state).
1795–1814Wordsw. Excurs. vi. 488 A rapture of forgetfulness.1871W. Alexander Johnny Gibb ii. 19 ‘Eh, that's the sea!’ exclaimed the lassie in a rapture of admiration.
e. rapture(s) of the deep or depths, nitrogen narcosis.
1953J. Y. Cousteau Silent World ii. 14 (heading) Rapture of the deep.Ibid. 21 We called the seizure l'ivresse des grandes profondeurs (rapture, or ‘intoxication’, of the great depths).1955R. & B. Carrier Dive iii. 77 This nitrogen narcosis or ‘rapture of the depths’..seems to have varying effects on different types of people.1955J. Sweeney Skin Diving & Exploring Underwater vii. 89 It has not been established with absolute certainty how nitrogen causes a narcotic effect (‘raptures of the deep’) when breathed under high pressure.1962[see nitrogen narcosis].1971J. F. Bernard tr. Cousteau's Life & Death in Coral Sea 261 The diver's threshold of susceptibility to rapture of the depths can be pushed back..by replacing the nitrogen in one's breathing mixture by a lighter gas, such as helium.1974Petroleum Rev. XXVIII. 672/1 Nitrogen narcosis, popularly called ‘raptures of the deep’ but perhaps more accurately described as ‘the uglies’, is the malady caused by nitrogen under pressure, interfering with the normal function of the nervous system.
6. The expression of ecstatic feeling in words or music; a rhapsody.
1620Melton Astrolog. 27 The cause of such Musicall and Harmonious Raptures.1667Milton P.L. iii. 369 With Præamble sweet..they introduce Thir sacred Song, and waken raptures high.1763J. Brown Poetry & Mus. vi. 102 When the first Fire of Enthusiasm had vented itself in the Rapture of Hymns and Odes.1835Lytton Rienzi ix. iv, The people..shouted raptures as he passed.1845Browning Home Thoughts 14 The first fine careless rapture [of the thrush].
7. Comb.
a. Instrumental, as rapture-bound, rapture-bursting, rapture-lightened, rapture-rising, rapture-smitten, rapture-touched, rapture-trembling adjs.
1842Faber Styrian Lake 26, I see Mary *rapture-bound, And the lily-flowers around.
1824T. Fenby Four Temperam. iv. xv, Its *rapture-bursting joys.
1799Campbell Pleas. Hope Wks. (1837) 6 Turn..thy *rapture-lighten'd eye To Wisdom's walks.
1842Sir Aubrey de Vere Song of Faith 219 With *rapture-rising heart, and a thanksgiving tongue.
1799Campbell Pleas. Hope Wks. (1837) 23 Who hath not own'd with *rapture-smitten frame The power of grace.
1820T. Mitchell Aristoph. I. 209 Your bard shall depart With a *rapture-touch'd heart.
1794Coleridge Relig. Musings vi, Cherubs and *rapture-trembling Seraphim.
b. Objective, as rapture-breathing, rapture-giving, rapture-moving, rapture-speaking adjs.
1777Potter æschylus Suppl. 111 The muses' *rapture-breathing shell.
1787Burns Answ. Verses by Guidwife of Wauchope iv, The saul o' life, the heav'n below, Is *rapture-giving woman.
1801E. Scot Alonzo & Cora 81 Her *rapture-moving voice.
1799Campbell Pleas. Hope Wks. (1837) 4 The *rapture-speaking tear.
Hence ˈraptural a., raptuˈration. nonce-wds.
1695Bp. Sprat Disc. Clergy 46 Such raptural (if I may so call it) or Enthusiastical Spirit of Preaching.a1814Gonzanga ii. i. in New Brit. Theatre III. 110 I'll tell you. Now prepare for rapturation.

Add:[4.] b. the Rapture (of the Church, of the Saints): the taking up of believers to heaven at the Second Coming of Christ, according to some Millenarian teaching (after 1 Thess. iv. 16–17, Luke xvii. 34–36).
1848J. N. Darby Exam. Statements Apocalypse by B. W. Newton 20 The immensely important fact of the rapture of the Church... Nor can this rapture take place till after He has left the throne.1849tr. Darby's Notes on Apocalypse vii. 22 The Scripture..not only applies that expression [sc. ‘the coming of Jesus’] to the day of the Lord, but also to..the rapture of the Church, which goes to meet the Lord in the air.1849Retrospect of Events that have taken place amongst Brethren 7 Mr. Newton earnestly denied the ‘secret rapture of the Saints’, as it was technically termed.1903W. Kelly Rapture of Saints 3, I am not aware that there was any definite teaching..that there would be a secret rapture of the saints at a secret coming.1937A. Reese Approaching Advent Christ xv. 227 This ‘any-moment’ view of Christ's Return only originated about 1830, when Darby gave forth..the mistaken theory of the Secret Coming and Rapture.1970Redemption Tidings 23 Apr. 8/1 It would seem that, as the date of the Rapture draws near, humanity is becoming..exceedingly space-conscious.1988Times Lit. Suppl. 29 Jan. 120/3 Pre-millenialist bumper-stickers include the legend: ‘WARNING: In case of Rapture driver will disappear’.
II. rapture, v.|ˈræptjʊə(r)|
[f. the n.]
a. trans. To enrapture. Also const. with. (Chiefly in pass., common c 1700–50.) Now rare.
1637Heywood Royal Ship 27 Shee hath (no doubt) raptured our Undertaker.1710Steele Tatler No. 224 ⁋7 The highest compounded Spirit of Lavender..which..raptures the Spirits.1748Richardson Clarissa (1811) V. 308 How will Lord M. be raptured when he sees her.1818Keats Endym. ii. 947. 1892 Ingersoll in Pall Mall G. 16 Apr. 7/1 While yet in love with life and raptured with the world, he passed to silence.
b. intr. To express oneself in raptures; to take rhapsodic delight in or display ecstatic excitement over something.
1908A. Lipdegraff in Smart Set June 133, I rapture in some lonely night-bird's cries.1965E. O'Brien August is Wicked Month i. 12 She went out and raptured over the tent and said what a genius he was.

Add:2. trans. To take up (believers) to heaven at the Second Coming of Christ. Usu. in pass. Cf. *rapture n. 4 b.
1962J. B. Payne Imminent Appearing of Christ i. 32 For soon after 1830 a woman..announced the ‘revelation’ that the true church would be caught up (raptured) to heaven before the tribulation and before Christ's return to earth.1984Time 5 Nov. 73/3 Falwell's followers believe Christians will be swept or ‘raptured’ into heaven before the great Tribulation.1987Times 20 Apr. 20/2 People will be raptured out of automobiles as they are driving along.




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