

单词 distraction
释义 distraction|dɪˈstrækʃən|
[ad. L. distractiōn-em, n. of action f. distrahĕre to pull asunder, distract; cf. F. distraction (1335 in Godef.).]
a. A drawing or being drawn asunder; pulling asunder; forcible disruption, division, or severance.
1581Mulcaster Positions xli. (1887) 248 The distraction of temporall, ciuill and Canon law being in many pointes very offensiue to our countrey.1597Hooker Eccl. Pol. v. liii. §2 His two natures..are..as vncapable of confusion as of distraction.1647Lilly Chr. Astrol. clvi. 648 {male} in the seventh in ferall Signes, argues death by Distraction, or by Ruine, or fall of Timber or Houses.1837–8Sir W. Hamilton Logic xxv. (1866) II. 23 The parts which, by the distraction of the whole, come into view, are called the divisive members.
b. A severed or divided form, drawn apart from others. Obs.
1606Shakes. Ant. & Cl. iii. vii. 77 While he was yet in Rome, His power went out in such distractions, As beguilde all Spies.
c. Dispersion, scattering. Obs.
1618Hales Gold. Rem. (1688) 402 By reason of that great distraction of their Books and Papers.
d. Violent stretching or extension. Obs.
c1720W. Gibson Farrier's Guide ii. xix. (1738) 65 A Distraction, or Rupture of the Vessels.1737Bracken Farriery Impr. (1756) I. 68 The Fibres..are in a State of Distraction, that is, they are drawn out into a greater length.
e. Gr. Gram. The resolution of a long vowel into two vowels, identical or differing only in quantity, as in ὁρόω for ὁρῶ, κράατος for κρᾶτος.
1891Monro Homeric Gram. (ed. 2) 51 These forms [ὁρόω, ὁράᾳς etc.] were regarded by the older grammarians as the result of a process called ‘distraction’, (the exact reverse of contraction), by which a long vowel, ᾱ or ω, could be separated into two distinct vowels (ᾰᾱ, οω, &c.).
2. a. The drawing away (of the mind or thoughts) from one point or course to another; diversion of the mind or attention. Usually in adverse sense; less commonly = diversion, relaxation (as in Fr.).
1450–1530Myrr. our Ladye 10 The harte owght to be kepte in tyme of these holy howres from dystraccyon, and from thynkynge on other thynges.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 159 b, Harde it is to say one Pater noster without distraccyon of y⊇ mynde.1611Bible 1 Cor. vii. 35 That you may attend vpon the Lord without distraction.1699Burnet 39 Art. xii. (1700) 129 The distraction of their Thoughts in Devotion.1749Chesterfield Lett. (1792) II. cxciv. 224, I know no one thing more offensive to a company, than that inattention and distraction.1853C. Brontë Villette xxi, Considering sewing a source of distraction from the attention due to himself.1853A. Jameson in G. Macpherson Memoirs (1878) 278 While attending on my mother, the compilation, printing, and illustrating furnish me with what the French call a distraction.
b. An instance or occasion of this.
c. Something that distracts (or diverts) the mind or attention. Applied attrib. to behaviour of birds that is intended to distract the attention.
1614Bp. Hall Recoll. Treat. 158 A third, standing with the eyes..shut for feare of distractions.1655Stanley Hist. Philos. i. (1701) 30/2 If he had not been constrained by seditious and other distractions to lay aside that study.1849Robertson Serm. Ser. i. ii. 25 The cares of this world—its petty trifling distractions.1859Wraxall tr. R. Houdin x. 136 Conjuring..was a mere distraction by which he amused his friends.1943Trans. Linn. Soc. N.Y. VI. 248 The instinctive response in face of danger to eggs and especially to young of drawing attention to the adult and away from the off-spring, is usually termed ‘injury-feigning’. It would be better to call it ‘nest-protecting display’ (Murphy 1926) or distraction display.1950Brit. Birds XLIII. 1 The pseudo-sleeping figure occurs commonly in the Oyster-catcher's complex series of distraction-behaviour patterns.1954Fisher & Lockley Sea-Birds vii. 173 But gannets, petrels and auks—birds clumsy on land—have no distraction display.1961Bannerman Birds Brit. Isles X. 213 Although distraction or ‘injury feigning’ displays are uncommon, they are sometimes elaborate, particularly by birds with chicks.Ibid., ‘Distraction flight’ in which the cock or hen rises from the nest or near the chicks with fluttering flight.
3. a. The fact or condition of being drawn or pulled (physically or mentally) in different directions by conflicting forces or emotions.
1598Shakes. Merry W. iii. v. 87 In her inuention, and Fords wiues distraction, they conuey'd me into a bucke-basket.1633T. James Voy. 29 The ship did labour most terribly in this distraction of winde and waues.1828D'Israeli Chas. I, I. Pref. 4 Instead of the distraction of multifarious events..the philosopher discovered the inseparable connection of circumstances.
b. Disorder or confusion of affairs, caused by internal conflict or dissension; the condition of a community torn by dissension or conflict of parties.
1642Chas. I in Clarendon Hist. Reb. v. §386 To settle the Peace of the Kingdom, and compose the present Distractions.1709Steele in Lett. Lit. Men (Camden) 344 My little affairs are in such distraction till I can come to an hearing in Chancery.1780Burke Sp. at Bristol 9 Sept. Wks. III. 431 Your city, gentlemen, is in a state of miserable distraction.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. I. 134 The distractions of Ireland, he said, arose..from the differences between the Irish and the English.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) III. 223 That body is..rendered incapable of united action by reason of sedition and distraction.
4. Violent perturbation or disturbance of mind or feelings, approaching to temporary madness. to distraction: to a degree which exemplifies or amounts to this; distractedly.
1606Shakes. Ant. & Cl. iv. i. 9 Giue him no breath, but now Make boote of his distraction.1657Burton's Diary (1828) II. 24 Pardon me if I speak confusedly, any man will justify my distraction in this.1724R. Falconer Voy. ii. (1769) 30 There was a sad Distraction amongst us in the Ship..for we had almost fell foul.1802Noble Wanderers I. 281 The Princess loves you to distraction.1819Byron Juan i. cx, To contend with thoughts she could not smother, She seem'd, by the distraction of her air.
5. Mental derangement; craziness, madness, insanity. Obs. (exc. as involved in prec.; cf. distract v. 5, 6, distracted 4, 5.)
c1600Shakes. Sonn. cxix, In the distraction of this madding fever.1702C. Mather Magn. Chr. ii. vii. (1852) 145 A distempered melancholy at last issued in an incurable distraction.1764Harmer Observ. xii. iv. 159 The hermits of superstition..resemble Nebuchadnezzar in his distraction.1794Sullivan View Nat. I. 8 He traverses the whole circle of human imbecility and distraction.
6. In French-Canadian law: The diverting of costs from the client or party who would be in ordinary course entitled to them, and their ascription to his attorney or other person equitably entitled. [= F. distraction, in same use.]
18..Code of Civil Procedure of Lower Canada Art. 484 (In 10th Rept. of Codification Comm. 1866), Attorneys ad Litem may demand and obtain distraction of their fees.
7. for detraction.
c1430Lydg. Min. Poems 67 (Mätz.) Have in hate mowthes that ben double, Suffre at thy table no distractioun.




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